Life is But a Mere Game of Manipulation

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(BEWARE, editing errors)

Chapter 25

Adelaide was becoming more and more aggravating as the days dragged on.

Sure, I expected her to fight back, to scream at me in anger and frustration. But, not as easily when she's under the influence of Opium. Little did I know, the drug did nothing to quell the fury inside her beating heart.

"AGH!" I roared angrily, throwing all of the contents from my dresser and onto the floor. "How dare she...," I breathed out between angry ragged breaths. Couldn't Adelaide understand that what I was doing for her was for the best? That I had no other choice?

I let out one final cry of frustration just as I threw my fist into the wall. If she wanted to reject my advances than so be it, her death will just come quicker than expected. I smiled a deranged smile, a small trickle of blood slinking down my arm.

"My, my, aren't we angry this morning," a woman dressed in a long red gown smirked playfully. Her deep brown locks encircled her waist as her piercing brown eyes and full lips seemed to laugh in amusement. 

"I'm not in the mood to talk," I gritted out through clenched teeth. This woman was becoming increasingly annoying as the time ticked by. Just then, her shoes clacked loudly against the floorboards as she strutted her way towards the open balcony. Tilting her chin, she gazed up at the striking blue sky and the fluffy white clouds passing by. To say she was beautiful would've been an understatement, she was more then beautiful, she was stunning. The rays of the sun seemed to create a halo around her dark brown tresses, making her features seem angelic.

"Then it's good that I didn't just come for pleasantries Mr. Merrick," she smiled a knowing smile, turning away from the balcony and facing the dresser I was leaning against. Smirking, I gripped the curve of her wrist and twisted her slim body against mine, burying my face into the crook of her neck.

"Then what have you come for Love?" I whispered seductively into her ear. Silent whimpers of pleasure escaped from her plump lips, causing me to tighten my grip on her arm. I know what I have to do to get what I want. I'm no mere amateur when it comes to manipulation, yet, this woman was starting to make it difficult for me to keep my composure.

"You know exactly what I've come for Caldwell," she breathed out, biting her lip to keep her whimpers at bay. In fact, I think I quite like seeing this lanky woman so frazzled and in a pool of her own desire. It's satisfying to know that I can easily curl the toes of any woman I have my sights set on.

"Do I?" I asked, knowing perfectly well what she was seeking. Her neck slowly tilted back as soon as my hand glided up her creamy thigh. "Because as of now, you seem to want something else entirely," I utter, spinning her around until our chests collided with one another.

Her lips parted in desire as her hooded eyes held dirty secrets even she was too embarrassed to admit. Mortals are really very interesting, I thought to myself, wondering if this woman's wants and desires overclouded her judgement.

"I have no idea at what you're insinuating," She lied, naive to the powers I possessed over her.

"You know exactly what I'm insinuating," I chuckled, this time grabbing her bum in one hand as the other trailed up her stomach. He could feel the softness of her skin as soon as she sucked in lungfuls of air to calm her pounding heart. Of course, the only question was, whether or not the control he possesses over her fails?

"I...," the woman trailed off, unable to hold back her breathing any longer. Almost instantly, I bit and slowly licked the patch of skin right above her collarbone, causing her to latch onto my arm.

"Nah uh uh, that won't work love. You need to tell me what you've come here for," I scolded, waiting for her obvious answer.

"Arthur..," she whispered, finally registering what she was letting me do to her. Almost instantly, she shoved me forcefully away from her, clearing her throat in the process. "I came to speak about Arthur!" She shouted, feeling cheap and used.

"Ahhh now that's what I wanted to hear," I smiled, tilting my head to the side. How easy it is to trick a mortals mind. "So, Guinevere, what have you come to ask me?" I smiled even wider this time, leaning forward.

"I've come to inform you of Arthur's plan to rescue Adelaide," She muttered, fiddling with the hem of her sleeve. I always knew Arthur would try to play the part of Knight in Shining Armor, especially for the one he holds so dearly.

"Ahh, I had a feeling he'd pretend to be the hero," I frowned, gripping the sides of the table rather tightly. That's when, suddenly, Her deep brown eyes and long dark hair flickered inside my twisted mind. I could even hear the sounds of her melodic voice, as if she was still singing that beautiful song just for me. "Stop...," I muttered to myself, wanting the images, the smells, and the sounds to cease. I can't handle it, can't handle seeing the woman I was repeatedly betrayed by.

"Caldwell?...," Guinevere asked, her voice cracking as she hesitantly took a step forward. "What's wro-,"

"MAKE IT STOP!" I let out an angry cry, forcibly grabbing the sides of Guinevere's jaw. "Make it stop...," I said a little quieter this time, my shoulders shaking uncontrollably. It seemed as if the voices inside my head were amplified. That I had no choice but to accept the fate I was handed.

"I don't know how!" Guinevere cried, a single tear gliding down her pale cheek. Even her light brown eyes held specks of fear in there depths.

"Tell one of the guards to bring Adelaide here," I randomly ordered, clenching my fists together until they went numb.

Without questioning my sanity, Guinevere vigorously nodded in acknowledgement and slipped between the wooden doors.

"You're not the only one, Evelyn, who does anything for true love," I cackled to myself at the idea, the idea that true love even existed. "Like mother, like daughter, hm?" I added, anticipating for Adelaide's swift arrival.


Hi lovely readers! Gosh, it's been too long hasn't? I really am so so so sorry for that. As you know, school has start up again and it's really tough to update frequently because of that. But, I'll keep trying :) To tell you the truth, my writing has been so rocky this last month and a half. I just feel like it's gone downhill and turning into a horrible story. Tell me what you guys think about it, knowing it's not perfect of course because it's my very first story on here (the jump in chapters will be explained in the next one ;) ). Also, don't forget to vote and comment if you like it! <3


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