My Sinister Captor

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Chapter 27

Adelaide's POV:


Everywhere I looked all I could see was the darkness inside my soul. It felt as if nothing could pull me out of this never ending cycle that I was spun into. My thoughts were incoherent and with every stride I took, I wondered where the hell I was actually headed.

Caldwell's attitude was gradually changing and twisting into something sinister, not that he wasn't already sinister enough. Slowly, I rose up from the comfort of my silk bedding and padded over to the nearest mirror. My dark wild hair stuck up in every direction as I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. It seemed as if time stood still, that in this very moment the grief that I'm feeling will never end. That in this reality, I'm nothing more than an object. An object that's only useful when his highness desires me. These despairing thoughts circled around inside my head, coiling me even further into the depth of my own misery. Suddenly, the creak of the door sounded as a small head popped out from behind the wooden frame.

"Miss Pierce? Your medication's ready," the maid beamed, straightening her apron as she sauntered over, clutching a small crystallized glass in her palm. Frowning, I wrapped my slim fingers around the cylinder and slung the liquid forcefully back. The emotional pain I was in just a few moments ago subsided as the familiar feeling of fogginess overcame my senses. It was intoxicating and enraptured me into the deep recesses of the fluid. I couldn't get enough of it, let alone cease to consume the unidentifiable mixture. It was as if it was the drug and I was the willing victim.

Surprising even myself, fits of unwanted giggles suddenly erupted out of my throat as I threw myself onto one of the satin lounges. Gazing down, the maid looked at me in confusion and utter shock. Her eyes widening and her hands shaking ever so slightly.

"M-miss? Are you okay?" She asked in a very soft tone, seeming doubtful of my sanity. Maybe I am insane, maybe I'm so emotionally unstable that everything I've been through these last few months were all a dream made up by my subconscious. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm actually starting to believe that death would be a much better option than to the hell I was living now.

"Am I?" I asked, gazing up at her with soulless eyes.

"U-u-m?" the maid fumbled, struggling to grasp the use of the English language. Her dark colored boots clicked together as she looked between the door and I, repeatedly. Cocking my head to the side, I gave her a slight smirk, knowing exactly what her thoughts consisted of.

"I'll take your silence as a yes," I smiled a deranged smile, laughing even harder than before. Seeming spooked, the maid's eyes widened in horror as she dashed out of the large room in a frenzy. "Aw, no fun," I sulked, trying to comprehend as to why I felt a sense of wickedness burrowing itself inside my heart.

Without warning, warm tears made their way down my face as the sudden urge to sob overtook me. I can't do this anymore, I can't act like everything's okay when I know I'm loosing pieces of myself the longer I stay.

"AAAAGH!" I shrieked, throwing my fist into the mirror that was hanging just above my dresser. Sparks of pain exploded up my arm as an unruly stream of blood flowed down my trembling hand. "MAKE IT STOP!" I cried, clutching my head as the voices inside grew louder than ever before.

"Miss?!" I heard a guard yell in the distance as everything started fading in and out along with the pain...


"She collapsed from exhaustion Sir Merrick. However, as long as she stays off her feet, she'll be perfectly fine." The voice of a man I couldn't quite recognize declared.

Slowly, I peeled my eyes open, committed in getting a better look at the owner of the unknown voice. The stranger had stark white hair, warm brown eyes, and tan leathery skin. Skin in which every crevice that was etched into his face seemed to tell a story of its own.

"Good, I don't want my soon to be fiancee to be in too much pain," Caldwell smiled a secretive smile as he took in my pale face and shocked expression. F-f-Fiancee?!

I tried to protest the announcement, only to be pulled into a bone crushing embrace as he dug his face into the crook of my neck. What's happening?! I wondered, trying to piece the missing puzzle pieces that make up my memory, together.

"Leave us be Abraham," Caldwell ordered, refusing to leave any room for protest as he abruptly shut the door with a flick of his wrist.

"What do you want?" I spat, disliking the feel of his hands on my skin.

"What do you think?" He chuckled, smiling a sinister smile, one that chilled me to my very core. Almost instantly, I registered what he was suggesting as the color drained from my face.

"N-no, you c-can't," I choked, trying to grasp something, anything, that could save me from the clutches of the sadistic man before me. This man who's so hell bent in tearing my soul apart piece by piece.

"But I can Lady Pierce, and I will," He tsked, sounding authoritative as his hands trailed up my thighs and under my bum. Unwanted tingles shot up my legs, ones that lodged fear inside my pounding heart. Caldwell smiled even wider, frenziedly connecting his lips to mine in a violent manner.

"Stop! Please!" I yelled out in protest, trying to will the tears that were threatening to spill out at bay.

"It's a shame no one will hear those pretty little screams of yours," he chuckled to himself, unsuccessfully hiding the excitement that was sparkling inside his dark green orbs. I don't want this, don't want Caldwell's hands roaming my already vulnerable body. He's an obstacle that I can't get rid of, one that's determined in seeing me fall.


.....I'm back :D! Even though you guys probably hate me right now XD Anyways,  I'm so excited to start up this story again. I honestly missed all of you, especially those of you who have been active in voting and commenting :) I'm so sorry if this chapter isn't as up to par as the other ones but please bare with me. I haven't written in awhile so it's going to be a little rocky for a little while. I hope you guys love this chapter and don't forget to comment and vote if you do!


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