Jealousy Turns Even the Brightest of Souls Black

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Chapter 26

Guinevere's POV:

The whistling of the wind and sounds of the night surrounded my senses.

I felt victorious, triumphant even. Everything was finally fitting into place, except for one significant detail. Adelaide Pierce. She was the only thing standing in my way of happiness, of a prosperous life with the one I love. Anger seemed to seep into my pores, feeling like a drug that I couldn't get enough of.

I hate her. Hate what she stands for. Hate that just her presence swipes Arthur's attention away from me. I needed a plan, a plan to ruin Adelaide. A plan that'll break down her walls, make her vulnerable, make her realize that Arthur isn't the one for her. But, most of all, I want to see how well she can cope when everything's being ripped away from her in a heartbeat. 

Twigs suddenly cracked beneath my feet with every stride I took. I need to inform him of Arthur, to make sure he's ready for the upcoming battle that's sure to come. Breathing hard, I rounded the next tree stump, keeping my eye out for any hidden onlooker. So far, everything seemed to be in the clear, when suddenly, a bright white light flooded the forestry. My eyes burned from the intensity of it, causing the scenery to waver in and out. It was blinding, dazzling even.

"Get up Woman," a deep, gruff, voice growled out. "There's nothing to see here," the stranger declared, latching onto my arm like a vice. This time, panic rose in my throat, how dare he try to dismiss me!

"Get your hands off of me," I said lowly, giving him some time to back up. Either way, I refuse to be treated like some mere beggar. "Do you have any idea who I am?" I tsked, cocking my head to the side in mock confusion.

"What?" The man asked, his brows furrowing. He was adorned with a long heavy dark cloak and his face was shielded with the darkness his hood provided. Everything about the man seemed off. I couldn't quite explain it, but the nerves encircling around inside my stomach said otherwise.

"I said, do you have any idea who I am? Or are you just deaf?" I breathed out, exasperated that this man was making me repeat myself. After a long pause, he cleared his throat and removed the large hood, revealing sparkling blue eyes and long black hair in its wake.

"I'm not deaf Miss. Just, annoyed by your tone of disrespect," He chuckled, suddenly turning dead serious as his sapphire orbs raked up and down my body. Getting a closer look, I could make out his powerful shoulders as his chiseled chest showed through the opening of his tunic. Disrespect? Disrespect? Says the man who tried to manhandle me into leaving.

"I guess the saying 'Do to others as you would have them do to you' applies here, hm?" I retorted, smirking rather ruthlessly. This man might be striking, but his uncivil attitude makes him repulsive, I scowled to myself, disliking him even more than before. That's when, suddenly, the blue eyed man erupted into a fit of laughter. "What?" I demanded, stomping my foot childishly and crossing my arms in disdain. How dare he laugh at me!

"You should know Miss, that the world works in ways that defies that saying." He laughed even harder, clutching his gut as his face twisted in pain. "But, by the looks of you, I doubt you knew that," the man finished, looking rather amused at my expense. I don't have the time to play around with this stranger and have him randomly throw insults my way, especially since I obviously have a prior engagement to attend to.

"Than I guess you just know everything, don't you?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Now, if you would excuse me, I have somewhere to be." I continued, the corners of my mouth contorting into a frown.

"No can do Missy, I have direct orders from the boss man to keep watch of this gate and even use force if I have to." He smiled a toothy smile, seeming pleased at the idea of inflicting pain on someone else. Turning my head to the side, I let out a large sigh, trying to calm my nerves. It took everything in my power to not behead this man right here and now.

"Even if I say he was the one who called me?" I giggled, twirling a strand of hair around my pointer finger as I gazed up at the blue-eyed stranger. If I wasn't going to get what I wanted through negotiation, I might as well act flirtatiously instead, I sneered.

"I doubt it," he deadpanned, crossing his arms in front of his chest. My plan seemed to be falling apart at the seams right before my eyes. It seemed almost impossible to persuade this man.

"Such a shame," I pouted, sifting through my muddled mind. Flirtation was obviously off the table, yet, I couldn't quite seem to think of anything else. It was as if my mind was empty, lifeless even. Then again, emotions weren't always a favorite of mine.

"What do you think you're doing Malodorous?" A deep gruff voice croaked out from behind the foliage of the trees as the unknown man revealed himself. The man, supposedly named Malodorous, eyes widened in pure and utter terror.

"Ingran?" Malodor shakily questioned, turning on his heels in record time. The trees did little to conceal Ingran's appearance. In fact, his chiseled muscles, dark black hair, and deep grey eyes were very well shown off in the glow of the moon. Talk about a well built man, I smiled to myself, gliding my tongue across the bottom of my lip.

"You should know better brother than to stop lady Guinevere from entering our realm," Ingran chastised, menacingly glaring into the eyes of his cowardly brother. "Master Caldwell will not be very pleased to hear about this," he finished, holding out his large hand to me.

"B-b-but I-I had no idea she was the company he was expecting," Malodor stuttered uncontrollably, trying to regain any dignity he had left.

"Then you need more practice Brother," Ingran scowled, rolling his eyes in annoyance as he grabbed ahold of my dainty hands and forcefully pulled me into the mysterious vortex.


Long time no see readers! (Editing errors I know :/) I know, I know, you all probably hate me right now. I had writers block for the longest time and I think I'm officially out of the slump and life got in the way. But, on the bright side, here's a new chapter explaining Guinevere in the previous one! I hope you liked this and liked the new character I introduced ;) he'll have more significance later on in the story. Where do you think this story is going? I'd love to hear your ideas and thoughts :) and don't forget to comment and vote if you liked this chapter! <3


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