Chapter Four: Young Band of Patriots

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("For this great country I will give my life") -Future Self

Most people see me as just a young orphan living off the streets. Destined to be poor and worthless my entire life. Sadly they aren't wrong about the first part, but of their second opinion they couldn't be more wrong.

      After a twenty minute walked through the green forest I finally arrived at my destination. A hidden trap door that was marked off by pattern trees. I opened the door and walked down the stairs. This was the meeting place of Red Shield, a secret organization with a goal to better the colonies of America and help the people in them. I walked through the underground maze and opened the heavy metal door that guarded our meeting place. Inside everyone was already in their seats and waiting for me.

  This was the inner circle of Red Shield. A small group of ten loyal members(not counting me). I was the founder and President of Red Shield. Most of the members were children about my age. There were two adults. Mr. Hedrick, an owner of a gun shop, and Mr.Hathway, who have  job working for The Virginia Gazette.

''Ah, President Rodger has arrived, said Mr.Hedrick, we can begin.''

  I sat down in my desk and pulled out my notes.

''As you all know four of our members here belong to Indian tribes. Our latest task was trying to stabilize peace between Americans and Indians. I sent a letter to the New Hampshire gazette for them to publish. I did this in hopes of turning the general public towards peace against the Indians. I got a letter back from the founder Daniel Fowle saying that whether it was true or not my letter was an inspiring and well written work. So with that in mind I have great hope in it's success.''

''That sound great, said John Wilkonson a 16 year old boy, but I have another project that I would like to propose.''

''And what would that be, I inquired?''

''I would like to start a fundraiser to buy a plot of land so that we can give people that don't have a homes a place to live.''

''That sounds great, I looked at Mr. Hathway, can you put something in the paper about this?''

''I'm sure I could get my boss to squeeze in an ad, said Mr. Hathway, after all it is for  a good cause.''

''Very well then it's decided, we will fund a house for the homeless, I turned to Mr. Hedrick we should probably discuss our plan for the future America.''

''Of course, said Mr. Hedrick and stood up, we have been thinking about this for a long time, and I know most of you have already supported the idea so we have been putting things in motion. President Roger and I have been planning for an uprising against England. The American colonies have the potential to become an independent country, and we are going to help that happen. Mr. Hathway knows through his connections at the press that many other powerful men have been thinking the same thing.''

  I waited until Mr.Hedrick had finished speaking and then started talking. ''I have been in touch Daniel Fowle, the man who published my article on peace with the Indians, and he agreed that when the time was right he would publish some article's about a revolution against Britain. So can I have a show of hands for everyone who agrees with this objective.''

All ten hand went up. ''Ok then, I said, It is unanimous we will carry on with our plans.''

  Everyone rose and we exited the room. Mr. Hedrick stayed behind to lock up.

I didn't trust myself with the keys because I knew that anyone could walk into my shack, and steal them so I always gave them to Mr. Hedrick for safe keeping. He was a good man and I knew that he would keep them safe.

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