Chapter One: Running

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("Sometimes it's better to run away than to fight.") -Roger

I ran down the alleyway fleeing from a group of kids. The boys were right behind me running like a pack of wolves. I honestly can't seem to figure out why I'm always in these kind of situations. It seems as though people just like chasing me.

I was coming up to a corner that would lead me to a main road where I would likely be trampled by horses or yelled at by coachmen. Not exactly the best option, so instead I choose the roof top. As quickly as I could, I grabbed the biggest handhold and climbed up the small building. At least up here I would be safe. The boys chasing me wouldn't put in the effort to follow me up.

''Come back down here you coward!" shouted a boy everyone called Fox. He was 16 years old and the leader of a gang of street kids. He was very "street smart" and could steal anything from anyone, or at least that's what everyone says. It's how he got the nickname Fox.

''We'll be back for you later!" shouted another boy angrily.

  I vaguely recall knocking that boy down earlier. That's what got me into this mess wasn't it? As always, being nice never seems to get you anything but trouble. Earlier today I saw that kid picking on two younger boys and went over to confront him. He, like the bully he is, started to come at me instead of talking like a normal human. Instead he chose to act like an angry bull and charged me.

  After I managed to knock him down, I told the other two boys I saved to run. That's about the time when his friends showed up and chased me to where I am right now.

''Oh good it looks like they're finally leaving," I mumbled aloud to myself looking down at the dispersing gang below.

  For some reason sitting up on someone else's roof uninvited with a crowd of angry kids below shouting at me isn't exactly my idea of a good time. It was bad enough that I was hungry and didn't have money for food. You can only go so long without sustenance before you start to grow weaker.

I waited a little while longer just to make sure they were gone and then climbed down. It's a good thing I'm so fast because I really don't like getting into fights. Why are people always so quick to anger? It doesn't make any sense to me. Fights rarely solve anything.

  On my way back to the abondoned shack where I sleep I saw Mrs. Halflinger outside sweeping the front walkway of her candle shop.

''Hello Mrs. Halflinger do you need any help?" I asked walking up to her.

''Oh that's ok, I think I've got this, she replied, "but if you really want to help I have a crate of candles that I need moved.''

''Sure, just show me which one you want moved.''

''That one on the top there. If you could put it back into the storage area I would be very grateful," she pointed to the second box on the left.

I went into the candle shop and moved the box into the storage area. She owned a nice candle store that had anything from cheap candle's to fancy chandelier's. Mrs. Halflinger was just about the only person who ever cared about orphans like me. Even people that were considered to be "good" rarely thought about the homeless or the orphans, so moving a box for her was the least I could do for such a kind and gentle soul.

On my way out of the store she stopped me and gave me a tuppence. ''Here take this and buy some food, she said, I know you don't have any money and must be hungry.''

''Are you sure?" I asked, "I can always eat tomorrow.''

''I'm sure. There's no need for any child to go hungry when fortunate people like me have money to spare.''

''Thank you very much," I said gratefully and accepted the money.''

''You're very welcome and have a good day Roger," she said waving goodbye.

''You too, and good luck selling candles, " I said as I headed towards the bread store to buy some food.

I walked into the bread store and looked around wondering what I was going to get. This might be my only meal for a while so I had better make it count. I bought two cheap loaves of bread, and walked up to the cashier.

''Hey Roger how have you been?" asked Frank, the cashier/owner of the bread store.

''I'm doing great. Especially now that I'm going to eat.''

Well here's a special treat just for you, he said handing me a slice of sweet bread,It's free so I hope you enjoy it.''

''Thank you very much, I said as I finished paying for the loaves of bread I bought, I know that it will taste delicious.''

''Just as long as you enjoy it, said Frank, I know someday you'll maka a great man.''

I exited the shop and headed towards my little shack. My excitment was building as I anticipated eating my sweet bread. Sadly my exitment was dulled by the site of two kids walking towards me with a threatening glare.

''Hey Roger, remember me?

It was the kid from earlier that I knocked down.

''I think so, is your name bill, I asked?

''Ya that's right and we have a score to settle.'' He cracked his knuckles and got into a fighting stance.

I backed away slowly trying to think of an escape route. There was no where to run so I quickely set down my food so that it didn't get ruined in the fight.

''Come on man, we don't need to fight, I said hoping that he would just leave me a alone.''

''You should have thought about that before you bothered me earlier today, he said and then quickely punched me in the chest. The blow caught me off gaurd and I was knocked backwards onto the ground.

''Lets just take his food and go, said the other kid.''

''Great Idea,'' said Bill and started heading for my food.

There was no way I was letting them take my food from me. I looked around quickely and found a rock. Then I threw it at Bill and It hit him on the back of the head causing him to stumble and look back at me, then as fast as possible I jumped up, grabbed my food, and made a run for it.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for reading : )

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