Chapter Five: Training

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("You must train so that one day you can fight honorably along side your brothers.") -Charger

I never did like getting into fights, but I knew that one day it would be necessary to defend myself. I caught up to Chogan, a member of the Red Shield(I always call him Bird because his name means Blackbird).

''Hey Bird, I said as I walked alongside of him, It's time to train.''

''Sure, I'll get the supplies and tell Charging Bull.''

Chogan went to go get the supplies and to find Charging Bull, and I went to our training area. I figured that while I waited for the others to arrive I would do some exercises to pass the time.


A few miles away in the Virginia sheriff's department...

''Excuse me Sherriff, but there is a young boy that would like to speak with you, said the Sherriff's secretary.''

''Very well, send him in.''

The boy walked into the room. ''My name is Jacob, I was sent by Mr. Hedrick to discuss some important matters of the Red Shield.''

''Of course, please have a seat, said the Sheriff motioning towards the chair, to what do I owe this visit.''

''Our plans are moving along and we need more members, preferably good men with higher positions.''

''I will see what I can do,  replied the Sheriff, and what of the plans for America's future.''

''The vote was unanimous we will continue as planned, if you want more information Mr.Hedrick can explain.''

''Very well, I will talked to him about the details. Have a nice day."

''You too, said Jacob as he exited the room and went back outside.''


BlackBird and Charging Bull came back into the training camp with the weapons.

''Glad you could make it Charger, I said as he put down the weapons.''

''Me too, It has been a while since I've had a good fight.''

All three of us picked up the training staffs and got into the  training circle drawn into the dirt.

''Last one to tap out wins, I announced, Bird you can start us off.''

''Three, Two, One, Go!''

  We all ran towards the middle. I attacked Charger's left side as I watched for Bird's Attack. Charger was the strongest, fastest, and best fighter in his tribe, and although Bird wasn't better than Charger he was definitely above average.

  Bird swung low and hit me in the leg. I dropped to one knee and stabbed Charger in the stomach causing his to stumble backwards. Bird took advantage of this and swung at Charger hitting his right shoulder. I swung twice at Bird. The second stroke connected with his left side knocking the wind out of him. He stumbled back a little and I used this distraction to run at him and knock him over. Once he was on his back and I had my staff raised, he surrendered.

  I turned around just in time to see Charger's staff coming straight at me. I lifted my arms to protect myself and he smashed his staff into my forearm. My left arm went numb and I dropped my staff. He swung again at me. I ducked and lunged at him. We both tumbled to the ground and wrestled around for a few minutes. We were both tired, but I managed to get the upper hand and he gave up.

''Very impressive Roger,  said Bird, You've beaten us again, maybe we should team up against you next time.''

''I still don't get why you don't fight back against Fox and his gang, said Charger, you could probably take on his whole gang and win.''

'I have two reasons, I replied, the first is that someone may get seriously injured, and the second is that I need to keep a low profile. News about one kid beating up Fox and his gang would travel fast.''

''Good point, said Charger, but I wouldn't put up with them if I were you.''

''I guess that's just how it has to be, plus I really don't mind to much. Just as long as they don't steal my food.''

  We talked a while longer and then parted because Charger and Bird had duties to fulfill for their tribe. I was blessed and cursed with having nothing to do most of my days. That is why I usually helped Mrs. Halflinger with her candle shop.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. I haven't edited so if you find any errors please feel free to message me. Thank you.

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