Plans put into Action

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A/N: Drama kicks off in this chapter and the story is gonna start to pick up.

Chapter Five

The second day of Evan's suspension, Olivia had to be at the station early, so she got Evan up with her. "Bring something to keep yourself busy." She said after her daughter finally rolled out of bed.

"Mom, you act like this is the first time I'm going to the station with you." Evan said. She packed her phone, tablet, journal and a book into a bag and slung the strap over her shoulder.

"Do you have any homework you need to work on?" Olivia asked.

"No, I stayed up last night and did it all." Evan said. She figured she might as well since she was suspended and grounded for the next two weeks.

"Good, you won't be so behind when you go back." Olivia said.

Evan nodded. Under the circumstances she was happy to be spending all this extra time with her Mom but she wasn't too keen on spending the day at the station. She couldn't believe she had messed up so badly. If she had just kept her cool her Mom never would have found out about the cutting. She wanted to smack herself for being so reckless.

"Let's go." Olivia said. She held the door open and locked it behind them and lead the way to the elevators. Things still felt a bit unresolved and she wasn't sure how to address it with Evan. She cleared her throat to get Evan's attention, "Do you...cut everyday?"

Evan's eyes bulged. "What?!" She couldn't believe her Mom was asking her this.

"Honey, please tell me..." Olivia begged. The images of the cuts were still fresh in her mind. And knowing her daughter had done it because of her, killed her.

Evan bit her lip and looked down. She was about to say something until the elevator door popped open to the garage and someone stepped to the side to let them out. She sighed in relief and raced over to the car.

Olivia sighed and pouted. Evan had never kept a secret from her. Ever. And now there's a year's worth of pain she had kept to herself.

They climbed into the car silently and headed for the station.

"Maybe I should find you someone to talk to." Olivia said as she merged into the traffic.

"I don't need to talk to anyone!" Evan argued.

"You're not talking to me!" Olivia said. She squeezed the steering wheel tightly as she pulled up to the station. She turned off the ignition and turned in her seat to face her daughter. "I have seen many things in my years of being a SVU detective. Really, God awful things. But nothing was more horrifying than seeing what you had done to yourself, what you were about to do. There's this wall between us now and it hurts." She said quietly. Tears pricked her eyes and she sniffed and cleared her throat.

"I just...I was so mad at you! I've been so mad at you! And now I don't know how to talk to you anymore." Evan said. She shook her head as tears of her own came to the surface. She roughly opened the door and hopped out of the car.

Olivia wiped her eyes and got out of the car and followed Evan into the station. She reached for her hand in the elevator and her heart shattered when Evan snatched away from her. "Go sit in my office while I catch up with the squad ok?" She said trying not to cry.

"Yeah...whatever." Evan said. She walked through the squad room and headed straight into her Mother's office without saying a word to anyone.

Amanda watched Evan disappear into the office before turning to face Olivia, "What's Rabbit doing here?" She asked.

"She got suspended." Olivia said.

"What?! Evan has never been in trouble her whole life." Amanda said.

"I know!" Olivia snapped.

"Sorry, Liv." Amanda said. "Anything I can do?"

"" Olivia said. She didn't feel like diving into everything right now and she hoped Amanda would get the hint.

"Anyway...Fin, Carisi and Dodds Junior are out on calls and I'm catching up on paperwork." Amanda said.

"Ok, well I'll be in my office if you need me." Olivia said. When she walked into the office, she glanced at Evan who was sprawled out on the couch tapping away on her phone with her headphones in her ears. She decided to leave her alone for a couple of hours and get some work done.


Brent and Lowell sat in an unmarked van down the street from the station.

"Are you sure this is the day?" Brent asked rubbing his hands together to warm them up.

"Hey, we have spent days watching her. It's the perfect opportunity to snatch the kid." Lowell said.

"But do you really think she will do everything we say?" Brent asked.

"Oh yeah, she will." Lowell said.

Now all they needed to do was wait...

After a few hours of listening to music, playing games and reading on her tablet, Evan was starting to get bored. She sat up and pulled her headphones out of her ears. "Mom?" She called.

Olivia looked up from the open file on her desk and gave Evan her full attention. "Hmm?"

"I'm hungry." Evan said.

Olivia tapped her iPhone and looked at the time. "I guess it's time for lunch." She said. She opened the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out her purse. She dug around before pulling out her wallet. "Why don't you go to the cafe across the street and get us both something?" She said pulling out some cash and handing it over.

Evan took the cash and stuck it in her pocket. "Thanks Mom." She said.

"Evan, come right back." Olivia said sternly.

"I got it." Evan said. She popped her headphones into her ears and headed for the elevators. When she stepped outside she looked both ways before crossing the street to the cafe. She walked in and ordered her Mother and herself some food and waited. Once the food was ready she paid and headed outside and bumped into someone. "Sorry, I didn't see you." She said with a smile. She looked up, her smile faded and she took a step back. "Hey, I've-"

"Shut the fuck up and get in the van." Brent said. He pressed the gun in his pocket against her abdomen.

Evan looked around and opened her mouth to scream. There was no way she was letting herself get kidnapped or anything when a building full of cops was right across the street!

"Don't even think about it." Brent said. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and shoved her into the open backseat door.

Once the doors were shut Lowell took off with tires screeching.

Evan was scared. All she wanted was her Mom. "Let me go! My Mom is a cop!" She shouted.

"Shut up!" Brent snapped.

"Cool it man." Lowell said. He looked at Evan through the rearview mirror. "That's not how you talk to our special guest."

Evan looked away. She tried to take in details about the inside of the van. She remembered her Mom always saying that every little detail helped. Then she remembered she had her phone on her. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and glanced up to make sure they weren't watching before she unlocked her phone and opened her messages app and started a text message to her Mom.

"Hey! Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" Lowell shouted as he looked over his shoulder. "Shit! She has a phone!"

Brent reached around and snatched the phone away from her and chucked it out the window.

All Evan was able to send was, Mommy 911!

Her Most Valuable Possession (Law & Order SVU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt