Words she Never Wanted to Hear

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A/N: No one came after me with burning torches and pitchforks for allowing Evan to get kidnapped...Phew! :). TRIGGER WARNING: Slight physical violence.

Chapter Six

Evan had cried herself to sleep not long after Brent chucked her phone out the window. She woke up when she felt the van come to a sharp stop and heard the door open.

"Get out." Brent said grabbing her by her upper arm and snatching her from the van.

"Wh-Where are we?" Evan asked while Brent drug her up some crummy stairs.

"Don't ask questions princess." Lowell said.

Evan knew these guys were capable of hurting her, even killing her so she shut up.

Lowell unlocked the door to the apartment and Brent shoved Evan inside.

"Now what do we do with her?" Brent asked.

"For now...just put her in the room." Lowell said.

Brent took Evan down the hall and into a room. It was completely empty except for a mattress against the wall and a chain bolted to the floor. He threw Evan onto the bed and quickly chained her ankle with the cuff and lock. "Don't get any ideas about screaming for help, if you do I'll snap your neck." He warned before leaving the room and locking her inside.

Evan sat on the bed against the wall with her knees pulled up to her chest and cried. She prayed that her Mom would find out she was missing soon.

Olivia was going through some paperwork when there was a knock on her door. "Come in." She said not looking up from the paper she was signing.

"Hey Liv..." Amanda said looking around the office. "Where's rabbit?" She asked.

Olivia tapped her iPhone and checked the time. "She went to the café across the street about...thirty minutes ago. She should've actually been back by now." She said. She tried not to go all "mama lion" as Evan put it and immediately panic. She unlocked her phone and called Evan, she had half a mind to ground the girl for life when she was sent directly to her voicemail. "Evan Sophia Benson, you better be walking through the door in the next three minutes or else!" She said before hanging up.

"She wouldn't just sneak off Liv." Amanda said.

"I don't know what she would or wouldn't do right now Manda." Olivia said sighing.

"I noticed something was up with the two of you since you got off the elevator this morning." Amanda said.

"Your niece got suspended for fighting." Olivia said.

"Rabbit? Fighting, really?" Amanda was just as surprised as Olivia had been when she got the call.

"Yes! And..." Olivia started to tell Amanda about the cutting but she had to cut herself off before she burst into tears.

"What? C'mon Liv I know that's not all." Amanda said.

Olivia was about to tell Amanda everything when her phone rang. "Benson...we'll be right there." She said before hanging up and pushing away from her desk.

"What we got?" Amanda asked standing and following behind Olivia.

"Someone reported a kidnapping at the café." Olivia said.

"They're getting bolder and bolder, snatching kids in the middle of the day." Amanda said shaking her head.

"Maybe that's what's holding Evan up." Olivia said. The closer they got to the café, she had this niggling feeling that something was wrong. Call it a gut feeling or maternal instinct. But something wasn't right.

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