Emotions Running High

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A/N: I'm sorry it has been so long since I updated. This story is triggering until it isn't. XxLex

Chapter Ten
Olivia kept pressure on the gashes until nurses and a doctor lifted Evan out of her arms. It had only taken seconds but it felt like hours. She couldn't look. She didn't want to. What if her daughter was dead? Why didn't she see this coming? What the hell was wrong with her? Was she such a bad Mother that she let her own daughter go through this? No, no she wasn't. 'Stop it! You're Olivia Benson. You're a hard ass Sergeant. And you are a good Mother! Now stop crying like a little bitch and go in there and be your little girls rock!' She thought. She had to give herself a pep talk and pull it together. She walked out of the room to see a nurse trying to hold Evan's injured arm down, the doctor stitching her up and another nurse trying to hold her other arm still so she couldn't scratch or hit them. "What the hell are you doing?!" She demanded as she rushed over to them.

"Sorry, Miss Benson but she kept fighting us. We have to get her arm stitched up." The Doctor said, barely glancing Olivia's way.

Olivia pulled one of the nurses away. "If anyone is going to hold my daughters hand it's going to be me." She said. She grabbed Evan's hand and held it close to her body. "Hey sweetheart, you have to let the doctor fix you up. Calm down. Mommy's here."

"You should have fucking let me die! Don't you get it?! I deserve to fucking die! I'm disgusting! I'm a fat, worthless whore!" Evan shouted.

Hearing the words fly out of her daughters mouth left her breathless. She shook her head to keep it together. "No baby girl none of that is true. You had no control over what happened to you. As long as there is breathe in my body I will never let you die if I can stop it."

"Fuck y- ow!" Evan cried out as a needle was jammed into her arm. She started to cry and then drifted off.

Olivia looked up at the nurse who had stuck Evan with the needle ready to attack.

"It's a sedative Miss Benson. I can't stitch her up with her squirming around and she was becoming hysterical and violent." The Doctor said.

"If you do that without my permission again, I'll have your job. You got that?" Olivia said.

"If this was a suicide attempt, we will have to move her to the psych ward." The doctor explained to Olivia after the room was cleared out.

"It wasn't." Olivia said with a tired sigh.

"How can you be so sure?" The doctor asked.

"I've been around victims for 18 years and Evan has been my daughter her whole life." Olivia said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You may think you know your daughter Miss Benson, but people change after traumatic experiences." The doctor said.

"And I have more experience in that area than you!" Olivia snapped. "I want another doctor." She said turning away from the man.

"I'm sorry Miss Benson." The doctor muttered before swiftly leaving the room.

Olivia sunk down into the chair by Evan's bed and held her hand. "The day you were born was the happiest day of my life. I didn't even know I was pregnant with you until I was already four months along. I didn't think it would ever happen and there you were, my little miracle. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw you on the monitor, sucking your thumb. You are everything to me Evan. I'll never give up on you. One day we are going to heal from this, I promise baby girl."

Evan woke up with a start. She looked over the hospital room before seeing her Mother asleep in the chair. She sighed. 'Great! Way to fuck everything up!' She thought. She looked down at the bandage on her arm and frowned. She wasn't trying to kill herself but she didn't exactly care either. Her life was over anyway.

Olivia felt Evan shuffling around and immediately sat up. "Hi baby girl." She said leaning up to kiss her daughter on the cheek.

"Don't." Evan said.

"We have to talk honey." Olivia said.

"About what?" Evan mumbled.

"Are you serious? Everything! Geez Evan! You were kidnapped and beaten and raped and you almost died! Don't you think we need to talk?" Olivia said.

"What good is talking going to do?" Evan asked.

"And what good will it do if I come home and find you dead because you didn't?" Olivia shot back.

"What am I supposed to say? You saw me! You know what happened Mom!" Evan said.

"So, you think because I listen to stories like this all day at work that I don't want to hear your story and it doesn't matter?" Olivia asked. "Your story matters even more sweetheart..." She says softly. She grabs Evan's hand and kisses it.

"Why would you want to hear it?" Evan asked.

"Because your pain is my pain." Olivia said. "I can't change what happened, but I sure as hell can be there for you and listen when you have something to say. And I want to hear everything you have to say."

"H-he called me fat...he touched me...he hit me...he raped me!" Evan said through sobs.

Olivia couldn't resist any longer. She climbed on the bed and pulled Evan against her. "Oh, baby it's ok. Mommy is here now."

"How is it ever gonna be ok again Mom?" Evan asked.

"Because I won't ever leave you alone in this." Olivia said. "We just have to take it minute by minute until we can take it day by day."

Evan snuggles closer to her Mother, which isn't hard on the small hospital bed and takes a deep breathe. "Were you really going to kill him?" She asked.

"Yes." Olivia answered without hesitation.

"Do you really want to know everything?" Evan asked.

"When you're ready to tell me." Olivia said.

"What if I'm never ready?" Evan asked.

"Then, I'll still be there for you anyways." Olivia said.

Soon enough, unable to fight it anymore, Olivia and Evan fell asleep. Both having their own nightmares of the hell they had just been through.

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