Missing: Day One

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Chapter Seven

The next time Evan opened her eyes it was the next day. She squeezed her eyes shut and willed herself to believe when she opened them again she would wake up in her room. But when her eyes opened, she wasn't and she burst into tears. She didn't know why the men took her nor was it on her list of priorities of finding out why. All she wanted was to see her Mother again.

Olivia looked like a wreck when she walked into the station. Her eyes were bloodshot and she had bags and dark circles under them. All you had to do was look at her and you could tell she didn't sleep a wink the night before.

Fin looked up from his computer when he saw Olivia walk in from the corner of his eye. He stood up from his desk and walked over to Olivia. "Hey, you didn't have to come in today." He said softly. He reached out and squeezed her hand.

"I know but I couldn't be at home anymore." Olivia said hoarsely.

"Liv, you can't work this. You know that." Fin said.

"I know, I know but I have to do something Fin. That's my baby." Olivia said. Her eyes were already starting to get watery.

"Hey, C'mon, you know Sophie means the world to all of us." Fin said.

"She'd kick your ass if she heard you call her Sophie." Olivia chuckled.

"She loves it." Fin said with a grin.

Olivia smiled along and then her face fell. "Anything?" She asked.

"We just got the tapes from the café and TARU is watching them right now." Fin said.

"Ok...well...I'll uh go to my office and try to get some things done." Olivia said squeezing Fin's arm and heading towards her office.

Lowell and Brent burst into the room with a small table, a laptop and a camera.

"Good morning princess." Lowell said.

Evan decided to keep her mouth shut. Her swollen and busted lip was all the reminder she needed not to piss Lowell off.

Brent started setting up the equipment under Lowell's instructions.

Lowell kneeled down in front of Evan and unlocked the cuff attached to her ankle. "I'm gonna let you clean up, you wanna look your best for the little video we're gonna make for your Mom." He said. He pulled her up and lead her out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom. "Everything you need is in there and there's an outfit on the back of the door. You have twenty minutes or I'm coming in after you. And don't try any funny business."

Evan sighed and closed the door, glad to have some barrier between her and that creep. She looked around and cussed when she saw the only window was higher than she could reach and smaller than her. She used the bathroom and looked around for something to pick the lock with later but she came up empty handed. "Dammit!" She said under her breathe.

"Hey! Hurry up! And make yourself look nice." Lowell said.

Evan turned on the shower, got in and washed her hair and the rest of her body. It was the quickest shower she had ever taken. When she stepped out she dried herself off and moved to put on the clothes Lowell had picked out for her. She frowned when she found a blue negligee and a matching thong. Tears silently flowed down her cheeks as she got dressed. She knew even if she got out of this alive, she was about to become what her Mother feared most. A victim. She couldn't go out like that though. After all she was Olivia Benson's daughter. She yanked open the door and made a run for it. She was almost to the door when she felt arms around her waist. "No! Noooo!" She wailed.

Lowell put her down and punched her in the face. "Don't try that again!" He shouted.

Evan held a hand over her eye and sobbed quietly.

Lowell took her back into the room and threw her on the bed, before cuffing her again. "Now, we're gonna make a little video of our time together." He said.

Brent turned on the camera. "We're on." He said.

Lowell sat by Evan on the bed and kissed her on the lips and stroked her face. "Hello, Detective Benson. I think I have something that belongs to you." He said. He wrapped one hand in the hair at the back of Evan's head and tugged. Then he ran his free hand up Evan's thigh and cupped her area through the thong. "Don't worry, I'm taking good care of her. I'll give her back when I'm done with her."

"Mommy!" Evan cried out.

Amanda stood in the doorway of Olivia's office and watched Olivia stare blankly at the open file on her desk. "Liv, you should go home."

"It's so quiet without her there Manda. The saying is true, you never miss something until it's gone." Olivia said.

"Hey! Don't talk like that." Amanda said moving into the room. "We will find her." She said before pulling Olivia into a hug.

When Olivia got home she scooped up the pile of mail that had come through the slot and started sorting through it. She tossed the bills aside for later and opened up Evan's report card, she smiled slightly when she saw all the A's and B's. "Good job baby." She said. She moved into the kitchen and stuck it on the fridge. She sat back down on the couch in the living room and scooped up the rest of the mail when something fell in her lap. Her eyes grew wide when she saw "WATCH ME" on the packaging. She hurriedly opened the DVD and put it in the player and turned on the TV. She burst into tears when she saw Evan sporting a black eye. Her blood stopped cold when she saw Lowell beside her, running his hand up her thigh and cupping her area. "You bastard!" She screamed at her television.

"Hello, Detective Benson. I think I have something that belongs to you. Don't worry, I'm taking good care of her. I'll give her back when I'm done with her." Lowell said while he began to rub Evan.

Olivia almost threw the remote through the TV but she forced herself to watch. She heard her daughter cry out for her and she almost threw up.

"We're going to enjoy our time together. She looks so much like you, she acts like you too. She tried to make a run for it, but I got her back in line." Lowell said. "She's so soft and warm." He moaned as he slipped his fingers inside of Evan's underwear then pulled them out and licked his fingers.

Olivia couldn't bear to watch anymore, she tore into her bathroom and violently lost her stomach contents. After she pulled herself together she packed up the DVD and headed back to the station. "Someone better tell how the hell Lowell Harris got out and I want to find out NOW!" She shouted as soon as she walked into the room.

"Hey, I thought you went home." Fin said rushing over to her.

"I did go home Fin. I found this in the mail." Olivia said holding up the DVD.

"What's on it?" Fin asked. Although he could tell from Olivia's reaction it had something to do with Evan.

"Lowell Harris has her! Fin...he was touching her! She had a black eye and she was dressed in a negligee..." Olivia said. Tears began to flow.

Fin took the DVD from Olivia and handed it off to another officer. "We'll find her Liv."

"What if it's too late?" Olivia asked shakily.

"Then we'll help her heal." Fin said before pulling Olivia into a hug.

Her Most Valuable Possession (Law & Order SVU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt