Just Another Day

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   Hi Birdies and Dogs:

This short is brought to you by the people in my head after reading a post on Academy Fan Fiction Facebook site. They were drove me crazy ( short trip) with their idea till I wrote it down.

It readed as followed:

WRITING CHALLENGE!!!! Jan. 21- jan.27,2016

This week I want to see four of the following elements used or referenced. Any four. Or more. But at least four!

Tap dance shoes

A mop and bucket

The United States Postal Service

The Family Feud


Ranch dressing

Watching paint dry

One Direction


To fulfill this challenge, a minimum of 800 words are required, 200 if you submit a poem rather than a chapter or one shot..

I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading it. PLease remember vote, comment we do read them and try to respond.


Sang looked up at the clock, worried,"Kota they're late , they should have been here by now. You think everything is ok."

Kota looks up from his phone smiling,"Yes sweetie I just got a text from them. They're running about 30 minutes behind."

Across town Gabe takes the final swipe of his paintbrush ," Thank the f**k I am done with that. I want to get back to my Trouble." As he starts to pick up and clean up the supplies he was using, he hollers, "Luke hurry the f**k up I want to get back to our Trouble not stand around watching paint dry."

"Hell yeah, almost done. Hey grab a mop and bucket, I am going to text Kota we are running late then we can get this place put back together and be on our way to Cupcake."

Several minutes later, Luke is drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, trying to keep his leg from jumping with nervous energy. God he hated traffic and getting stuck behind this United States Postal Service semi was making it worse. Just a few more miles he reminded himself.

Music,he thought, music would help and reaches over to turn it on. As he listens to the song trying to decide if he was going to switch channels, he smiles. This song by One Direction always reminds him of Sang.

Sang looks up at the clock as she is putting the final touches on dinner. Hands snaked around her waist as she breathed in vanilla and sugar, "Hi Luke."

"Hi Cupcake, need any help."

"Everything is done but you can take the salad and ranch dressing to the table."

"Anything for you Cupcake." he says giving one last squeeze and a quick peck on her lips before heading to the dining room with the food.

"Oy, what about me Trouble." Gabe teases while holding his arms out wide. "Meanie." Sang squeals going over to give him a big hug and kiss. Inhaling deeply, she takes in the scent of Gabe's cologne today. It's floral, think, think, think. Chrysanthemums! That's what it is. In the meantime, he reaches up and pulls the two chopsticks out of her hair, "These are mine now." "Meanie, give those back." Sang huffs and stomps her foot like a 3 year old. Well she tries to but that's hard to do while you're giggling.

"Gabe, quit teasing her and get in here so we can eat." Kota says while shaking his head and chuckling at their antics. "Sir yes sir." Gabe calls back laughingly all the while watching Sang trying to jump up and reach the chopsticks he is now holding high above his head. "Come on Trouble let's go eat. I'm starved and I don't want Kota to actually get mad cause then he would give us all hours or some sh*t and the guys would get mad,North would grumble and yell, Dr. Green would complain cause I am taking away his Pookie time. It would just be chaos, chaos I say." adding a bit of over the top dramatic flare to the end. Stuffing the chopsticks in his back pocket and grabbing her hand heading to the dining room. "Meanie." Sang says. Barely getting that out in between the giggle fit she was having at Gabe's impromptu drama skit. The boys weren't doing any better. Kota, Victor, and Silas were barely standing. They were laughing so hard they were holding their stomachs. Nathan and Luke must have given up on the standing because they were on the floor rolling with laughter. It took a few minutes but everyone finally caught their breath enough to sit down and start eating. In the living room you could hear the family feud game on the TV. Sang smiled happily as she ate looking around at six of her boys. There was a small piece of her brain and heart that worried about the three that weren't here. Kota had said earlier that North was on an assignment, and she knew Sean was at the Hospital. Both would be here by breakfast time tomorrow. She didn't know where Owen was and Kota had not given any hint. Just saying that he would be here by late morning.

Owen sat in the car staring at the building in front of him. His hand coming up to remove his glasses and pinch the bridge of his nose, trying to quell the headache he knew was coming. Why was he doing this? Oh yes, a return favor of sorts. It was more of a you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, off the books unofficial favor. It was better this way. No one would know. Putting his glasses back on, grabbing the small gym bag from the passenger seat he exited the car. Straightening his tie and smoothing the nonexistent wrinkle out of his suit. He headed for the front door. He could do this it was only 30 minutes. He was doing it for her, he would do anything for her, for Sang. Looking at the front window of the business, it read Miss Pennys Dance Studio. Yep,he was at the correct building. Unfortunately. He thought and pushed the door open.

The perky young receptionist looked up as the door opened, "Mr. Blackbourne, we are so glad you agreed to do this for us." she says standing and moving towards him. Hand outstretched to shake his. "Now Miss Penny is waiting for you in studio 2, the changing room is the first door on the left. If you could go change we can get started. I know everyone is just so excited." She watched him walk down the hall to the changing room door pause and enter. Once she was sure the door was close she turned quickly locked the front door and headed to studio 2. Opps, almost forgot the important part. she thinks to herself and reaches in the desk for her phone. Between Mr. Blackbourne's reputation, the elegance, and perfection he oozes from every pore this should be a wonderful demonstration. She, nor anyone else she knew, had ever seen him dance but there were rumors. It's a good thing I brought my hubby's phone today. He has a much better video recorder on his. she smiled from ear to ear, I just can't wait to see him and Miss Penny in their Tap dancing shoes and costumes demoing for those cute little five year old boys and girls. The kids just lap it up and I promised Miss Penny I would get it all on video.

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