My Own Company

366 34 3

Week's challenge: March 23
write a minimum of 800 words without using any adverbs in two whole paragraphs.
I tried to do this in the first two paragraphs.

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Hope you enjoy it.
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Sang sat up looking from the TV set to the clock on the wall and back. She realized she had know idea what she had just been watching and now it was over. She had zoned out. Plopping back against the couch she lets out a big puff of air. "Thirty minutes! It's been thirty minutes," she huffed to an empty house. Tonight the guys all had jobs.. Kota, Gabriel,Luke, Victor,and Nathan left after dinner. Silas and North left at eight o'clock. She had two and a half hours and Sean would be arrive. Mr. Blackbourne was, she did not know where. "I'm _____. I don't know. I do know I miss the guys and I do not like being alone. I like the security they bring. The light,color, even the noise they bring. They make me feel alive, wanted, protected. I love them for that," she continued to tell the empty house.
"Dessert. Ice cream. I need dessert," She said, getting up and going to the kitchen. Opening the freezer, she found the mint chocolate chip ice cream. In the refrigerator she found the chocolate syrup. She grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and spoon from the drawer. Placing it all on the counter, she dished up a big helping of ice cream. She grabbed the chocolate syrup and drizzled a generous amount on top. "Nuts! I need nuts!" She decided, then went to the pantry to get them. Tossing a handful of chopped walnuts on top,"See North, I added protein to my dessert." After putting everything away and cleaning up, she took the bowl and headed to the couch to enjoy it. She took her time eating and watched TV, but did not pay attention to it. When she was finished, she went to the kitchen to wash it.
She checking the kitchen to see if anything needed done. After cleaning up more invisible crumbles she looked at the clock, "Well, that took forty-five minutes.."
"Now what? Huumm. A bath! I will soak and washed up before Sean gets here." She turned and headed to the upstairs. Going into her room she looked through her pajama sets till she found the one she was looking for. It was a deep purple tank and short set with pink piping along the edges. She grabbed it then headed across the hall to the bathroom. After starting the water she then added some bubbles. While the water ran, she got undressed and put a clip in her hair to prevent it from getting wet. Stepping in the bathtub she sank down and let the warm water surround her, relax her, unwind her.
Being alone at night made her nervous, afraid something would happen. She had to remind herself that Silas and North had made sure that all the doors and windows were locked. North had even brought secondary locks to add to the windows. He had gone around the outside of the house and Silas on the inside checking each window or door. He even stood outside the door until she had locked it behind them, when they left. He didn't like the idea of her here by herself, unprotected. Short of that bubble he kept threatening her with or maybe shrinking her and putting her in his pocket this was the best he could do. No one like the idea of her here by herself even if it was just three hours.
After soaking for a long time, she washed up before the water got to cold. Getting out she dried off, got dressed, and took her time going through her nightly routine. Walking back across to her bedroom she picked up her phone to check the time, but more importantly to see if any of the guy had texted her. " Thirty minutes. Dang, that means I still got like one hour and fifteen minutes before Sean get here. Now what. Guess I will read some," she decided. She picked a book out from the self and headed towards the bed to get comfortable when she realized it had started to rain. Putting the book down on the bed she went over to the window. Looking out the rain was just starting to fall harder and in the distances she could see lightning and hear the low rumble of thunder. She went back to the bed, sat down, leaned back against the wall, picked the book up and started to read. She hoped the storm was moving way from here. She sat there reading, immersing herself in the book and the world within it for about thirty minutes. Suddenly there was a loud crack of thunder and the lights went out. Startled she gasped and squeaked in surprise, She put the book down on the bed and carefully made her way over to the window. She wanted to see if it was just her house or the whole block. She looked out the window,up and down the block and didn't see a light in any of the house anywhere. Breathing a sigh of relief she went back to the bed and pick up her phone to send a text Sean.

Sang-- Bad storm here. Lights went out. Please be careful driving. Will you be here soon?

She hit send and decided to wait for Sean to get here in the attic. The lights being out were not helping her nerves any. She always felt calmer there, closer to the guys there, when they could not be with her. She turned on the flashlight app on her phone, making it much easier to see in the dark room. She carefully made her way over to the attic door. Opening it she crawled through and then closed it behind her. Using the phone she made her way to the back. She crawled on to the bean bag chair, leaned back, and made herself comfy. To occupy her time she looked through the photos on her phone and hoped the guys were safe.

Sean--Pookie, are you ok? I am just about done and will be leaving in ten minutes or so. Yes, I will be careful.

Sang--Yes I am fine. Back sitting in the bean bag chair.

A few minutes later Sean replied.
Sean--Good. Called electric company it will be a while before the lights are back on. Leaving now see you in a few, Pookie.


The storm still raged outside, but Sean would be here in a short while and that thought alone gave her comfort. While she waited for him to get there she decided to go on to Wattpad and see what stories had been updated or maybe find a new story to read. She also sent a group texted out so all the guys would know about the lights. She knew not all could reply, but at least she told them.

Sang--The storm knocked the lights out here. The whole block is out. Sean is on his way. Please be careful. Yes, I am okay.
Mr. Blackbourne--Thank you Miss Sorenson for the information and I am glad you are doing okay.

North-- Stay safe, Sang Baby.

Victor--Thank you, Princess.

Kota-- Thank you, Sweetie. I just checked on mom and Jessica,also. They are fine.

She had just finished reading the last update on Wattpad when Sean texted her that he had just pulled up. She was glad he had let her know because with the storm still going she doubted she could have heard the front door. She was just closing the attic door when the front door opened and she could hear Sean call out
"Pookie, I'm home!" As he came thundering up the stairs flashlight in one hand lighting the way. Dufflebag in the other. Stopping in the doorway he shined the light around the room till he found Sang. Striding across the room, he scooped her up in a tight hug. Laying his head in the crook of her neck he took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh. "It's good to be home,Pookie. I missed you."
"I missed you,too.: she replied. Hugging him tightly back she breathed in his citrus and green tea scent and felt the last of her nerves unravel and dissipate. Truly relaxed for the first time in three hours she let out a long yawn.
"Tired Pookie," he said with a yawn.
"Uh huh."
"Okay. You climb into bed and I'll go change." He said as he reluctantly let go of her, pick up the bag he dropped, and headed for the bathroom to change.

She crawled under the covers and sent one last text out to everyone.
Sang-- Sean arrived. Goodnight. Stay safe. See you tomorrow.

A couple of minutes later everyone replied back.
Mr. Blackbourne-- Thank you and goodnight My Dear.
North-- Goodnight, Sang Baby.
Nathan--Goodnight, Peanut.
Kota--Goodnight, Sweetie
Silas--Goodnight, aggele mou

Sean came back in just as the last text came in, " Texts from the boys?"
"Uh huh. Let them know you got here," sang mumbled with a yawn putting the phone down on the nightstand.
Sean placed his bag down by the bed and climbed into bed. He snuggled up to Sang and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head,"Goodnight, Pookie."
"Goodnight, Sean," She said with a yawn closing her eyes.
They were asleep within minutes.



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