Houston We Have A Problem

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This week's challenge has been brought to you by the Seven Deadly Sins.

Envy, wrath, lust, sloth, gluttony, pride, greed.

900 words including references to at least four of the Seven Deadly Sins.


A lone figure leans against the wall scanning his surrounding. His features are kept neutral. A second figure walks up joining the first. His face a hardened mask, giving nothing away. "Is everything set?" he asks. "Yea." the first one replies,"Look at them out there. There is still a half an hour till we open these damn doors and the parking lot is almost full." Snarling he continues, "The damn idiots can't wait to get in here and can't wait to get out. God, I will be glad to be done with this place." Then he turns and walks away. The remaining man stood there watching out the window. Watching cars fill the parking lot. He watches as three cars pull in and park in the back of the lot. Seven boys get out. He watches as they greet one another. He doesn't recognize them, so he knows they are new. Taking in their appearance his gaze hardens, anger and hatred course through him. He knows who those new students are. "F**king Academy" ,he snarls, "f**king school board." "I'm not letting them or anyone else stand in my way of getting all I want and deserve", he continues to snarl, "They will be the first things I get rid of, one way or the other." Flashback"One more year. That is all I need. One more f**king school year to get all I deserve. This place OWES me. After everything I have done for this school, it owes me." He glares and sneers out the window one last time at the seven new students before turning and walking to his office.

A short time later, a lone figure once again stands off to one side surveying his surroundings. He watches as parents and students move about. Most of the parents are sitting or lounging on the stairs. As he looks his gaze falls on one particular lazy idiot and he tries hard not to sneer in disgust. A scene scrolls across his brain, like a bad video on repeat.

Flashback ----

Leaning against the wall, he scans the crowd for any more potential trouble. He already had broken up a scuffle between a jock and a nerd. "The idiot", he thought to himself in disgust. At the stairs his gaze lands on one particular lazy idiot eating a footlong sub, His eyes move on scanning the rest of the room. A few minutes later he looks at the stairs again the same lazy idiot is now stuffing handfuls of chips into their mouth and sipping on a huge soda. Sneering in disgust at the gluttony, he forced his eyes to move on.

End of flashback ------

He shakes his head to clear the images and forces his eyes to move on. Scanning the registration tables, he spies a particular group of new students. "What are they doing back over there? I know they've already registered for their classes", he thinks to himself. As he watches, with interest, to see what they are up to a few walk off disappearing into a crowd of students. The two remaining are talking to a small of a blond girl. He let his eyes roam up and down her, slowly, his blood heats up, and a smile spreads across his face. "I''m going to have to keep an eye on her. Now, let's see if I can't find out her name", he thinks to himself. He watches as the last of the boys leave, as she steps up to the table, as she gets flustered, and then nervous talking to the counselor. He knows she will have to get it signed, and then go to room 103 to have it inputted, that's when he'll make his move. As she leaves the tables, he sees her looks around, waves her paper, and point to the stairs. Looking in that direction He notices the taller of the new boys responding. "Yea, you keep believing that." ,he thought," You won't be able to keep an eye on her 24/7." He could feel his blood continue to heat up and pool south causing himself to harden. He gave an evil chuckle, moved away from the wall and into position. She was shoved hard into him, her whole body pressing up against his, his blood became an inferno, and the flames of lust roared to life in his eyes. He closed his eyes for a second, got himself under control, and moved to confront her.

From across the hall, two boys watch in horror she is shoved into the Vice Principal, and he turns to confront her. Hitting a button on his blue tooth one of the boys starts to speak.

"Hey,Kota, we might have a problem."

"A problem, what kind of problem?",Kota replies.

"Sang was shoved hard into McCoy. He's confronting her now and sh.. crap he looks pissed."

There was a chorus of "O,hell no.", "O,F**k.", and "Sh*t." could be heard from the other boys.

"Shut up, guys!",Kota barked,"Si, what's happening?"

"He's talking to her now. She is nervous,but seems Ok."

"Ok, keep an eye on them, as soon as he is finished get her registered, and meet us in the courtyard,"Kota commanded.

"Ok, on it."

"Uh, Houston, we have a problem. I repeat. Houston, we have a problem."

"Si, what the hell do you mean we got a problem. What is going on."

"Kota, Dr. Green just interceded and is taking her to the office."

"Crap. This is bad. O, so very bad.",Kota replied with a grown


Thank you for taking the time to reading this . I believe I touched on all ,but envy. Well, I am hoping I did.

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Hope you enjoyed the story. THANK YOU

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