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Drops of rain hit the window. The little boy with messy golden hair, grey eyes locked to the sky and his finger traced every water going down the window as if it were having a race with the others. His finger stopped tracing the window as he saw dark hooded figure. He looked closer and saw his father.

He giggled happily and ran to the door, his mother yelling at to come back inside. The little boy ran to this father and they embraced each other.

"Adam!" the mother yelled. She was standing in the doorframe, staring at the hooded man. The hooded man grinned at her and walked towards her. The family hugged each other and then let go of each other. The little boy named Adam followed his father to the kitchen where Adam put a tray in front of him. His father grinned at him and kissed the top of his head.

"Dad," Adam said. "What was it like out there? Did you meet the Amethyst the Great and Noble?"

The mother grinned at her husband which he returned. "Adam, my boy, Odriaris is beautiful. Wonderful creatures guided us there. The light faerie is very beautiful and optimism was in there. Of course, my hero had some hard times which is why I came back."

Adam's smile started to fade. "Did the hero die, father? Was it one of the evil Black Time Angels?"

The father snorted slightly and noticed that it was getting dark, nearing Adam's bedtime. He looked at his wife and the wife nodded, tucking some strand of hair behind her ear.

"Adam," she said. "Go to your bedroom. Your father and I need to talk. Sleep well, child."

Adam nodded and jogged up the wooden steps. The mother sat down and looked at her husband.

"Jarrod," she said. "What happened to Anthony?"

The husband, Jarrod's hand went up to his chin and she saw it shake. Diane's grey eyes locked to his but Jarrod wouldn't look at her. She saw fear swimming in those bright blue eyes. Diane sent a wave of energy to lighten up his spirit and Jarrod felt it. He looked at Diane and took her hand.

"I met her," he said. "She killed Anthony, Diane. And we didn't even reach the mirror yet. We didn't see our destiny. We were with the water faeries, camping for our next stop. We were almost there to the Immortal Mirror, Diane. And then she came."

"How?" Diane said. "She wasn't supposed to even know he was stopping her-"

"We were at Twilight Vale," he said. "My brothers and sisters were there. They were serving for the Queen of Blackhearts. So we had to hide somewhere. Twilight Vale was swimming with Black Time Angels, Anthony could not take down that many. And then she saw us. She was like an angel-"

"An angel, Jarrod?"

"Yes, an angel," he said. "A fallen Black Time Angel was all I saw. Black and broken wings, red eyes and pale skin. Her face was ripping apart like a paper. Her skin was hanging from her skull."

Diane knew what he already meant. "Are you saying that she was the first Black Time Angel ever created? Because that's what happens if a Time Angel, any Time Angel I mean, if it feels human error. Are you saying that the Queen of Blackhearts is a fallen Black Time Angel?"

Jarrod sighed deeply. "I do not know, my love. Which is why I have returned. She killed Anthony and I couldn't do anything because she ordered me to...watch him die as I fail my mission.

"And that's not the worst thing yet, Diane," he said, fear crawling in his voice. "She knows about Adam."

Diane's eyes widened. "What-No! If she does, she will come after him-"

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