12 years later

NO! What the hell happened, Arxis902?!

The fucking mage just knocked my feet off the ground, Plan3tary!

You could've also controlled your Time Angel, Arxis902!

Plan3tary, she fainted-

Oh, shit!

Bro, I need some back-up!

What is it, Arxis?

Vampires, bro! I'll send you the coordinates, my mom's about come in my room, Adam.

"Adam!" he heard his mom yell behind the door. "It's 3 am! Go to sleep now!"

"Yeah, just let me finish this game-"

"Adam!" she yelled. "Don't make me come inside and unplug your computer-"

"MUM!" Adam yelled back. "I just need five more minutes-"

I got the coordinates, I need five more minutes to hunt down the vampires, Arxis. My mum's pissed off.

"And I've got the coordinates," Adam saw a group of vampires surrounding his friend's hero. Adam started attacking the vampires quickly but more vampires came at the corner of his screen and their characters were about to die when-

"Playtime's over, get back to sleep!" her mom yelled behind the door and Adam groaned in frustration. His phone blinked on his nightstand and threw himself off the chair.

Arxis902 (Colton)

What the hell happened?!

Mum turned off the power in my room :'(


What time is it there anyway?

Quarter to four am.

Nic e

Gotta eat my lunch with my family now. Get some sleep, m8

Adam sighed deeply. He wrapped himself under his duvet and earphones tucked in his ears, playing some music for him to sleep well.



He grumbled, covering his head with his pillow. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

"It's lunch time, wake up!"

He rolled over his bed, covering his whole body under his duvet and blinked his eyes harder to sleep some more. His mother's shouting stopped and thought to himself, peace and quiet.

Adam slept for ten minutes. At night, he always locks his door so his sister or mom won't come inside their room to remind him some things like 'get some sleep, Adam' 'stop playing that video game already!' 'eat some food, squirt' and so many more.

Things like that irritate him because he doesn't wanna be bothered by these kinds of things. He understands that his mom and even his little sister cares for him but to Adam, it got off the limit already.

Fortunately, Adam's mom, Diane, has the key to every lock in this house. That's what Adam wonders most. She doesn't really go out that much besides from driving them to school, going to work, sometimes doing the groceries (Adam does the groceries for him to actually get out of his room and do something).

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