"So where are you gonna treat me?" Adam asked.

They were using their skateboards to go to the nearest mall. Usually that's where they find the arcades, do some video game shopping for Xbox and PlayStation4.

They used the long way around. They used the long way around to practice their kick flips, grinds and many more cool tricks you can do in a skateboard.

Adam jumped his board over the footbridge and jumped over the pedestrian lane, landing safely on his feet and his board in his arm. Adam smiled to himself and saw Nathan do the same thing. Adam's was more safe but Nathan's was fast he almost tripped.

Nathan was ahead of Adam. Adam put his foot on the edge of the board and adjusted his other foot to the middle so the board was only moving in two wheels. The two teenagers stopped skating.

They were in front of the stairs that leads to the mall already. The steps would lead to another footbridge and to the entrance of the mall. The two boys were smirking at each other as if they had the same crazy thought.

"Thinking what I'm thinking?" Nathan asked.

Adam set his right foot on the board and said, "you kidding me? I'll race you down the entrance."

"Bring it on, nerd."

Nathan jumped his board down the stairs, landing perfectly. Adam grinded his wheels on the railings, balancing his body and the board. He reached the end of the sloped railing and landed on the ground safely. He grinded on the railings again and twisted his body to land safely on the footbridge. He did land safely and a car was about to pass so he jumped over it with his board and almost fell on his knees when he caught his balance. He looked around and saw Nathan skating behind him.

Nathan stopped and kicked his board upwards. "Dude! How'd you do that?"

Adam put his board on his bag. "What I just did was dangerous and it was not allowed. If a guard saw me, they would've sent me home. I'm not teaching you that, Nathan."

"At least tell me how'd you do that, dude!" Nathan whined, Adam shook his head. "Just because you're older than me by just two months doesn't mean you'll have to treat me as your baby brother."

Adam laughed and put an arm around his shoulders, shaking him. "But you are my brother. And brothers look out for each other, aye?"

Nathan laughed. "Aye, mate."

Adam let his arm slide to his side. "Stop offending me like that! I'm already trying to mimic your accent and I don't offend you like that."

Nathan's eyebrows narrowed. "You can't even mimic my accent!"

Adam rolled his eyes. "Come on, already."

Nathan laughed and muttered under his breath, "British kid."

They both went to a game store to check out the new games. Nathan was fuzzing about buying Assassin's Creed, talking about how he's going to get it for his birthday. Adam would laugh and say, "it's not my fault you keep spending your own money."

While they were at the store, there were some action figures. Action figures like the Hulk, Ironman, Superman, Batman, and even Time Angels. Adam took the Black Time Angel figurine off the shelf and he observed it.

The figurine looked the same as the ones in the game. Brightest blue eyes that hypnotizes you (especially that they also have one of the powers of a vampire; compulsion), silver armor, a heavy white sword you'd see in Cloud Strife's back but this was different to Adam. Even though he had played Final Fantasy, the swords were different to him. The Black Time Angel's sword carries the most important stone for all heroes and Time Angels; a moon stone. The moon stone acts as a rune, it makes the hero stronger. It's rare because you barely see a Black Time Angel in the game and if you do, you'll die because Black Time Angels mostly work for the Queen of Blackhearts who is the super villain of the game who forbids you to go to the Immortal Mirror.

The moon stone was for breaking the curse of all Time Angels; Time Angels don't get to feel human emotions which they call as human error. The Time Angel can only break this curse if he or she is with the hero of the quest. Time Angels can't open the moon stone unless they have their hero with them. It also strengthens the hero and it can only be opened when the day where all the birth of Time Angels have been created: it happens in the 1st Full moon of Autumn. Or as they call it, the Star Dance.

The figurine looked exactly like a Black Time Angel, brightest blue eyes, silver armor, heavy white sword with a hint of gold designs on the edge of its blade, and Star drawn on her hand.

"Why is there a star on her hand?"

Adam turned to see Nathan beside him. "Well," he said. "According to the game, when Time Angels were first created, the creator had imagined it as a star. Then the creator had the idea of creating guardians of Odriaris. He represented Time Angels as stars because what do you see when you look up at night?"

"Stars." Nathan answered.

"Exactly." Adam said with satisfaction. "The creator made them Guardians of the day, night and time. The guardians of the day are the ordinary Time Angels. Ocean deep blue eyes, and a star drawn on their hand. To the people of Odriaris, they see the stars as hope. So the ordinary ones represent hope. The guardians of the night are the Black Time Angels. Like this one," he shook the figurine. "Ordinary Time Angels help the subjects of the Queen, do a loyal service to her, fight the monsters when it comes inside the kingdom of Gerellan. The Black Time Angels, however," he put the figurine back in the shelf walked out of the store.

"Are very rare," he said. "Why? Mostly, these creatures of the night are evil. Give me one example of a creature of the night."


"What do they do at night?"

"Rip off a human's throat when they're finished feasting on their fresh blood."

Adam laughed. "Yes. Black Time Angels can also be enemies to the ordinary ones. They can be aggressive rippers. Once they see something move in the night, they kill it...that's why they're with the Queen of Blackhearts. But some of them are with the Great and Noble Queen Amethyst, basically the Queen of the whole Odriaris itself. They are the guardians of the night because they are stronger than the ordinary Time Angels. And what do the creatures of the night do?"

"Kill people."

Adam nodded, walking towards the noisy and loud arcade.

"What about Time?" Nathan asked. "What do they do?"

Adam went inside the arcade and then paid for their card.

"Well, those two types of Time Angels I've mentioned have one thing in common, protecting the time vortex whatsoever. Some witches and mages go back in time to fix a mistake they did in the past, or do something about one's regrets. That's against the will of these wonderful Time Angels.

"If there's an angel of death, then there's an Angel of time in Odriaris."

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