The morning breeze entered Adam's room.

The boy shifted around his bed, enjoying his sleep with no disturbance occurring at all. He opened his grey eyes and saw the time in his alarm clock. It read 6 am. He closed his eyes and thought to himself 'five more minutes'.

Just about five minutes, Rosalina entered his room. At times like this, Rosalina comes to his room and prank Adam. In result, it would be an angry dog chasing a rebellious cat.

Rosalina stood in front of him, grinning in mischief as she was about to spray whipped cream on his hand. She sprayed a lot of it and it was time to wake him up already.

"Adam," Rosalina shook him. "Adam! Mum's not happy. You have to wake up."

He groaned. "If this is another prank, Rosa, I'll shoot you with my bow and arrow."

She laughed. "No, it's not! Just wake up already. Mum's angry at you."

He brought his hand to his face and the little girl laughed silently. Adam's face was creamed and he woke up to see his little sister gone. He heard mischievous laughter coming from the hallways. He sprang up from his bed and ran after Rosalina.

Diane looked up at the ceiling in confusion. She heard running upstairs and screaming from Rosalina. She furrowed her eyebrows and wiped her hands with a towel. Diane saw Rosalina running down the stairs with a terrified look on her face and the little girl cried, "Mommy!"

Rosalina hugged her. Diane was confused and saw Adam running down the stairs with his bow and arrow. Diane's mouth dropped.

"Adam Sawyer Garwell!" she yelled sternly. Adam didn't drop his bow and arrow and it was pointing at Rosalina. "Drop it—"

"Do you not see what she did to me?"

"Just drop it and come here!" she yelled again. Adam rolled his eyes and dropped his bow and arrow. Adam walked towards the girls and glared at Rosalina.

Diane sighed and removed all the whipped cream off his face and glared at her children. "Do I have to wake up every morning like this? This should stop right now. Rosa, you will stop pranking Adam or I will take away your toys, understand?"

The little girl nodded.

"Adam, this has come too far," Diane wiped her hands on her apron. "Never do that again! Don't kill your sister! It was just a prank—"

"Was it?" Adam snapped. "I would laugh at it if it wasn't happening always! I think it's time for her to learn that jokes have a limit. At least teach her that."

Adam angrily walked up the stairs and took a bath in his room. Diane sighed and rubbed her temple. She looked at Rosalina who had a sad look on her face.

"Don't ever do that again, Rosa!" she said. "Your brother's angry at you now. Sometimes your pranks on him have to be stopped. He's getting really angry about you going into his room to do that. Apologize to him later, okay?"

Rosalina had tears streaming down her face. Diane knelt down to her height and wiped the tears. Diane hugged her and let her go and Rosalina went up to her room to get ready for school.

After about ten minutes of taking a hot shower, Adam walked out of his bathroom to prepare his clothes. He wore his ripped skinny jeans and picked through his drawer of what top he would wear today. He picked his black sweater and Captain America fighting Ironman was printed on it. It was based on the comics.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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