The three teenagers stopped in front of Adam's lawn.

Adam's sister, Rosalina, opened the door and held out a red velvet cupcake with a candle lit on top of it. Adam grinned and kissed Rosalina on the cheek, making her giggle.

"You're in trouble, big brother." She said, grinning mischievously.

Adam chuckled. "Really? Why? Is it because I came home late?"

The siblings chuckled and got inside. Adam's hand was on Rosalina's back, guiding her back into the dining room. Rosalina sat down on one of the chairs, eagerly waiting for the food already. Adam invited the visitor and his friend to sit and wait.

He walked towards the kitchen and saw his mom designing the cake with blue frosting.

"No, you aren't supposed to see the cake yet, Adam!" Diane said. Adam laughed and grabbed an apple, walking out of the kitchen. "You, mister, I'll be talking to you later. You're in big trouble."

Adam bit the apple and sat down on the chair in the middle of the table. He continued on eating his apple.

Diane walked in, placing the homemade cake on the middle with a candle that's shaped as the number sixteen lit on the top right corner of the square cake. It was a chocolate cake and some blue frosting shaped like a river was running diagonally. The design amazed him because on the middle was the castle of Odriaris. And below the castle was a paper scroll and it said there, "Happy birthday, Adam!" It looked exactly like the one in the game. He grinned and kissed Diane on the cheek.

"You made the castle?" Adam asked.

Diane nodded. "Yes, I had to look through Google images to see how the castle looked like."

"It's amazing," he said. "It looks just like the one in the game."

"Well," Diane said. "I'm glad you appreciate it."

Adam was too mesmerized to even blow the candle. He thought that his mother won't make him a cake like this because of his bad habit of staying up too late playing Immortal Mirror.

"Aren't you going to blow the candle already?" the girl asked.

He shook his head from his thoughts and blew the candle. Rosalina laughed and yelled, "slice the cake already!"

He took the knife and sliced it. He cut it in squares and put each cake in everyone's plate. Everyone started eating it, Nathan complimenting the chocolate cake and Diane smiling in response. Nathan started talking about his summer in Florida and how it went well for his family. Adam smiled at his friend that his family is okay again. Nathan's parents usually fight and this made Nathan sad because his parents fight because of stress, work and his school tuition.

"It's really nice to know that your family is okay again, Nathan," Diane smiled at him and then looked at Adam. "So what did you guys do today?"

Adam shrugged, poking at his cake. He loved the cake but he's the kind of person who doesn't eat much after four or five bites. "The usual. Went to the mall to check out the games and then crushed somebody's spirit in the arcade—OW!"

Diane hit him on the head. "That's not a very nice thing to say, Adam Sawyer Garwell."

Adam shrugged while his friend laughed and continued eating. He noticed Adam was just poking the cake after.

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