I Meet the god of Walking Muscle

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Song ~ When I was Your Man, Bruno Mars

Commenter of the Chapter ~ @WiseWolf826

"Percy!" Bruce called, I only had a few seconds to compose myself.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

"Percy are you in here?"

Blonde hair. Cinderella hair.

Breathe in.

"Bruce, where'd he go?"

Entertained with blood. So much blood.

Breathe out.

Spreading across her torn Camp Half-Blood shirt.

"I donno Tony, he said he needed a moment,"

Breathe in.

Half her face was covered in the mess.

Breathe out.

Her final breaths were shaky. Her lip trembled slightly.

Breathe in.

She cupped my chin in her hand.

Breathe out.

"I think we need to find him, Tony, he could be hurt."

Breathe in.

Her hand was covered in blood, she was shaking.

Breathe out.

Her eyes were wide with fear. We hadn't finished what we wanted to accomplish.

Breathe in.

We were so close to finishing college. We were going to get married!

Breathe out.

"Bruce, if he needs a moment, then we should let him have one."

Breathe in.

She tried to speak, to choke out her last words.

Breathe out.

All that came was more blood. Pooling on her lips. A substitute for words.

Breathe in.

Her grasped slackened, her eyes became distant.

My chest heaved and I tried to contain my sob.

How could I forget her? How could I bury myself in work and make myself believe that I'd be able to forget? To think that, I was as foolish as Ares when he thinks that Aphrodite may marry him. Marry.

I grit my teeth, don't think of those words.

"Percy?" The voice is gentle, testing the depths, it's close as well. I think it's Tony. "I need to talk to you. Are you okay?"

I dragged in one more breath. I needed some time, alone.

I said a quick prayer to the gods before opening the door. "Tony." I greeted, plastering a smile on my face. "What a nice time to see you. I was just taking a moment."

"In the..." Tony checked the plaque behind me. "Linen cupboard?"

"Well." I said, checking behind me for confirmation. "You know what the cliche is, mysterious things happen in the linen cupboard."

"I think it's the Janitor's cupboard but I can work with a linen one."

"Well, I better go, tell Bruce sorry that I couldn't finish, whatever it was, I'll be in sometime early tomorrow, maybe." I winced at my words and just brushed passed Tony.

"Hey kid?" He asked, I paused. "I think, whatever you're suffering with, there'll always be support for you. I'll be the first in that line, so if you ever need to talk or whatever, I'll be here, I know how shitty anxiety attacks might be."

"Thank you, Tony." I gave a half smile before walking out, dragging two hands through my hair, it needed to be cut. Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed the walking mass of muscle and blonde hair. "Sorry." I said quickly, eager to escape. I noticed the guy was heading a dark hoodie and long jeans, he had an interesting spurt of blonde stubble above his lip. His eyes were electric blue and for a second I thought I'd bumped into Jason Grace's buffer bodybuilder.

"My apologies..."


"My apologies Percy, where were you off to?"

"Uh, to go home, I've kind of had a long day." I rubbed the back of my head, slowly inching closer to the door.

"Well then, that's all right, farewell young Percy, my name is Thor." The walking muscle grinned, I felt the blood drain out of my face... And soul. I managed a nod and a weak smile. Before walking to the curb, my hands shaking.

I hailed a cab and looked to the door before I slid in. Thor was watching, we locked eyelines. "What is your last name, young Percy?" He called.

"Jackson." I yelled back before sliding into the cab and giving directions. I got one last look at Thor as we sped away, he looked as pale as a ghost. Just like me.

Well that was weird.

Well it's official, this book is like drugs, I can't stop writing and here's your daily update. I can't believe I do this! I kept trying to update my other book but then I'd think about this one. Please please comment because it gives me encouragement that this is actually a good idea.

Anyone have any good Percy Jackson and Avenger crossovers they'd recommend for me? Even if it's your own, I'd totally read your guy's book cause if gives me a good idea of what you guys like. Question. What are your pet peeves in Crossover books? Like what happens that just absolutely kills you on the inside? One of mine is the underestimation of Thor's intelligence. Like everyone seems to pick on him. And all of the seven dying in the battle of Gaea ooooo and... Actually no, I'm gonna save those of my rant book.

Aaaand this is getting too long. One more question that decides the fate of the next chapter so please comment your preference. Roses or lemonade?

Thank you ^-^

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