Chapter 14

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Katy's P.O.V.
Today I'm going on a date with Luke and I hope it goes well because I miss him a lot. (Luke is in bold I'm in normal and they are texting)
Hey I'm picking you up at 1pm
What will I wear?
Just wear casual clothes
Ok so see you later

There's an hour until Luke's picking me up so I have a half hour to do my hair and makeup. I curled my hair and put it in a half up half down. My makeup was my normal mascara, winged eyeliner and foundation. I wore skinny jeans and a jumper. Then there was a knock on the door. I walked downstairs and opened the door to find a smiley Luke. "Where are we going?"I asked. "Not telling you it's a surprise " Luke said grinning. I just laughed and followed Luke to the car. " How are you and the baby?" Luke asked. "We're doing fine " I said. A few minutes later we parked in some random car park.

Sorry for the short chapters but I will try update later today and tomorrow
Bye Cupcakes <3

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