Chapter 5

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Kyra's POV

I awoke warm and comfortable. I felt around my arms but I didn't have any IVs in me. I tried to figure out where I was. I had been at the hospital. Where was I now?

"Good Morning Ms. Kyra..." A scream ripped from my throat. Things started slamming against the walls. I felt the blankets fly off me as well. Who the hell was that?!

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! PEPPER!!! PEPPER!!!!" shrieking I started to rock back and forth. I hated being alone. Soon I heard a swoosh.

"Kyra, Kyra what's wrong honey?" I was gasping for air.

"Voice, who's the voice.... I hate this...." I jumped at everything. How could they love someone as weak as me?

"I beg your pardon Ms. My name is JARVIS. Mr. Stark created me. I run the house."

"What the hell does that mean?!?"

"Kyra, breath." Pepper takes my face in her hands. "In and out hun. Just breathe." I nodded placing my hands on top of hers to make sure this was real. If I can touch it it's real. "You okay?" my breathing rate was normal again so Pepper continued. "The voice you heard is JARVIS. It stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. He's a program that helps run the house. He's our butler kind of."

"Why..? I don't... I don't like him..."

Pepper rubbed my arms soothingly. "That's okay. JARVIS? Please do not speak to Kyra when she is alone."

"I don't want it to talk to me at all!"

"Kyra, he runs the whole house okay? So if you need any of us, just ask JARVIS to get us. Here let me show you. Jarvis, please tell Tony that Kyra needs him."

"I have already informed Mr. Stark, he has just exited the elevator and should be here in the next minute." I heard the whoosh again

"KYRA?! What's wrong?!" I could feel Tony's panic from here. "What... is wrong?" Tony's voice sounded confused.

Pepper's POV

I tried to muffle my laughter at the ridiculous attire my dear boyfriend was wearing. His shirt was on inside out and backwards. He had drool coming down his mouth. He must have fallen asleep working again. His forehead had red marks, which were quite similar to the miniature screwdrivers he used when working. He was also smudged with dirt and oil. He'd rushed into the room in such a panic, I'm surprised he came to the correct room. His frantic state calmed as he noticed Kyra was not crying and neither of us were in danger.

"I'm confused." He stated after a pause.

"I was just showing Kyra how to use JARVIS. She was startled when he spoke to her this morning."

"Her outburst was why I called you Sir."

"Uuh, right.... Well, ummm morning Kyra..." Kyra only nodded stiffly in response.

We were all quiet. It was awkward. Tony and I didn't know how to help Kyra. Hell Tony couldn't even take care of himself most of the time. I didn't know how we were going to do this. I'd been panicking for the last several weeks. Just trying to figure out what to do. I'm a CEO. I plan, schedule, negotiate and conquer. None of that feels like it will be enough. I was starting to get freaked so I took a breath. "Kyra, are you hungry?" She didn't respond. I wondered if she heard me.

"Well... I'm just gonna go." Tony said as he turned back through the door. Dammit Tony, you are supposed to be helping! Oh what the hell am I thinking, he can't handle this shit. Sending a glare his way I focused back on Kyra.

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