Chapter 41

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Bucky’s POV

Soft lips pressed against my grime covered face, following small calloused hands running through my matted hair. Traffic buzzed outside, a sound that never really seems to stop now. Kyra’s lips slammed into my own, a soft wisp of air along with them. Her movements urgent and desperate, mine languid and slow. Still not fully returned to the world. Wet drops falling on my face clearing out all my previous fog. Her face was scrunching in pain as she pressed down to me again.

“Hey. Hey-hey. Darlin, look at Me.” regret and relief shown in her water eyes after they finally opened.

“That bitch is lucky to be breathing.” spitting out the words through gritted teeth. Her small body trembling in my arms. “Wanda had to put me down, I was going to leave. Going to find you and kill her.” Pale face growing green, fighting something inside her mind, and me helpless all the while. “God I hate this.” her limp body melting into my arms. Burrowing down as much as she could. Grant was making it very difficult. “I’m so useless.” Her face was mashed into my chest but I still heard her.

“Sunny enough.” My own anger flaring at her words. forcing her away from my chest gently. “You are not useless!” a bitter scoff left her lips. “You’re growing me a son.” she can't see the joy in my eyes. She won't meet them. Stubbornly glaring down to the covers.

“He needs to hurry up and get here.”

“Kyra.” exasperation lacing my voice. I'm so over my head here.

“I’m so sick of having to sit and watch and wait.” disgust and self-hatred on par with mine flashed across her face.

“I know,” and I did, it's something we both hate. “But it’s almost over.” I’ve never been the bright side. But I'll be anything I have to be to keep you here.

“I can’t wait to get back out there.” The determination of her voice making my stomach drop.

“I can.” speaking without thinking. “How about you just stay home and be safe for a little while huh?” the scowl on her face deepening. Disgust and anger shooting down on me.

“I’m NOT staying at home 24/7 on baby duty. I’m going out there to help. Nothing you can say will change my mind.” my heart dropping and eyes watering at the prospect of her returning to the field. I was always the Soldier. Not her.


“No.” she cuts me off before I can try to argue. “You need someone to watch your back, and I’m the best at it.”

“I need to know you and Grant are safe. That’s what I need.” cupping her face forcing her to meet my gaze.

“You’re going to need help.”

“I know, but I’m personally hoping that the actual hero’s will be able to clean up the mess. I’m ready for a break. We deserve a break. A long one.”

“We deserve a lot of things, that doesn’t mean we’re getting them.” laying down with a huff covering her eyes with her arm. Blocking me out with the rest of the world. It's only a moment before a tear falls down her cheek. Kissing all the exposed skin I can, trying to get her arm to budge.

“Darlin’ you’re killin me here.”

“We stay a team.” she demands finally. “This isn’t the 40’s. I won’t sit at home waiting. I’m going to be out there with you.” Laughing softly at her misconception.

“Darlin’ women in the 40’s didn’t just sit.” peeking out from under her arm, looking ready to argue. “At least none of the ones I knew. We were all scraping for work, tryin’ like hell to make ends meet.”

You're My Everything (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier X OC FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now