Chapter 32

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Kyra's POV

Bucky has been staring at his left hand for hours. Fury managed to find a synthetic glove for him to wear. His movement is extremely restricted, but on a cruise ship bound for New York, it helps. Fury managed to override the metal detectors in order to get us through. A sensor disguised as a pocket watch disrupts and device signal until clicked off. With it we are basically invisible. At least to the low end tech the airports are able to afford.

He hasn't said a word. Leaving me tangled in my thoughts. I can't wait to get off this damn boat. I'm puking non-stop.

Damn sea sickness.

Thankfully our 5 day voyage ends tomorrow. Shakily standing from my chair moving towards the door. I pause with my hand on the knob, praying he says something. But there's nothing but the same silence I've been getting the last few days. Silently pulling the door open and closed, Biting back tears and an unreasonably strong urge to scream at the top of my lungs then collapse into a blubbering mess. The crisp air on deck has wafted down to our small cabin. A few people are loitering in the halls, laughing and smiling. Such easy lives they must lead.

Wandering aimlessly my feet bring be to one of the bars on our level. Thankfully it's relatively empty, taking a seat at the end of the bar I glance at the space. Five other patrons. One overweight elderly man, not a threat. One couple enjoying a post dinner cocktail, the man's wearing a baggy shirt and woman has a hand bag for possible weapons, minimal threat. And two Single men hitting on the female bartender. Both shirtless with swim shorts on, minimal space for weapons, strong build, slightly drunk; not a threat.

“Back again?” final occupant in bar, the male bartender. Large muscular build, baggy clothes plus access behind the bar. High possibility of weapons. Access to drinks. High threat.

“It seems so.” he attempted a conversation every time. Part of his shtick it seems. Charm up some tips. I wonder how many lonely women he's banged. With as distant and as fucked up as everything's been, it's kind of nice in a twisted way. He annoys me the same way he does every single woman here.

“What will it be today sugar?” pairing the question with a flirty wink. Moving my eyes from the window to him sighing.

“I've told you Chet, my name is Andrea. Not sugar. Not hot stuff. Not baby doll. Andrea. Or you could be professional for once and address me as Ma'am or Miss.” snorting away my remark he slid into the seat in front of me.

“If you want someone stuffy you're looking at the wrong guy. No wonder you like that boy of yours. He's as stiff as you are.” Leaning back as he moved forward, my annoyance growing at his blatant pickup lines. “You need to loosen up Sugar. You're much too bitter.” he stretched slowly, taking ample time to expose his chest. He's so proud of his four pack. Poor deluded little idiot. “You keep scowling like that, your face might get stuck. It’s no wonder you boyfriend’s avoiding you like the plague.”

Why did I come here again? Fresh air. Sighing I stood up. Shaking my head sadly.

“I'm just saying, he was in here the other night talking up a cute little redhead.” Warning. Warning. Warning. Eyes flailing for half a second before returning to their controlled state. “Why stay loyal to him if he isn't loyal to you?” humming softly in agreement his eyes light up.

“I could agree with you,” a smirk starts to form on his smug little face. Letting a smile grow on mine. “But I'm not trash.” Shoving my chair into the table making sure it bumps him. Spinning out of the bar pissed beyond reason. A hand clamps down on my arm spinning around to slap my assailant, my arm is caught by Bucky.

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