Chapter 5-"He's Gone!"

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I ran inside crying. They're going to take Hachi, in front of MY EYES. I don't want him to leave. I know it's only been 3 days, but he loves me and I love him back. He's MINE!! Impossible. I'm never letting Hachi out of my sight. Better finish my homework. I take out my agenda to see what I have to do, no homework, but there was a small slip in it. It read:

The Annual Pet Day

Where: Holly Morton Public School

When: Friday June 11, 2038

Today’s the day you can bring in your pet and show the WHOLE school!

But, make sure that you have a history about your pet

(Where, when and why you got him/her)

(What animal he/she is[what breed])

*Must bring proper supplies for your pet from home*

**Supplies include leashes, collars and food**

That is a perfect excuse to make sure that Hachiko was always in my sight.  I should pack all Hachi's things in my bag. Hachi jumped in to my bag and looked up at me with his cute puppy eyes. He thought I was going somewhere.

"It's okay Hachi, I'm won't go anywhere without you," I sya, scratching behind his ears.

"ROOF," Hachi barked.

I decided to text Teri about what happened outside. I don't want to hold it inside.

Me: Hey Teri.

Teri: Hey, sorry about what happened outside,

Me: It's not you're fault

Teri: I no, but they sort of were my frends

Me: Were?

Teri: They were my frends before they teased u

Me: Thx. but im scared now. but im also very MAD  

Teri: I no. wat r u goin 2 do?

Me: tmw is annual pet day so im takin Hachi 2 school.

Teri: thts good. how r u gettin 2  school.

Me: hoolahs scooter?

Teri: u don't no do u?

Me: nope

Teri: i can drive u

Me: u no how 2 drive?

Teri: an electrical scooter

Me: good enough, wen and where do i meet u?

Teri: tmw, in front of ur hse @ 7:55

Me: KK, I have 2 go, 4 dinner

Teri: K bye

I ran downstairs for supper and there I find Mom playing with Hachi. When did Hachi come down anyways? She was just on the fall acting like a dog and Hachi was going crazy. He was jumping up and down like the happiest dog in the world. Seriously, that video on Metube was so cute. It was alike seeing the video all over again.

I eat an apple and watch some t.v. Guess what was on t.v? Hachiko(the movie)! When Hachi heard his name on t.v, he came running in to the room. Then, he jumped on the t.v. I had to grap him so he doesn't scratch anything. When the dog came on, Hachi tilted his head to each side as if he was examining "Hachi." His ears instantly perked up. I watched the whole movie. When it was done, Hachiko jumped on the power button and turned the television off. What a trick! I gave Hachi dinner while Mom made me dinner. More pot roast. I wonder if Hachi gets tired of his food. If only he could tell me.

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