Chapter 2- Adventure!

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(A/n) expect slow updates XD cause my wifi has been off the hook not working and besides that school. I mean we all understand this. Especially writers' block!

Kagome's POV

As I walked around I introduced (y/n) to everyone. Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara. ( also the last chapter where I said your flexible that you're also agile)

(Y/n) POV

After Kagome was done introducing everyone I introduced myself. Kagome asked me to travel with them and of course, I agreed so we started off, looking for jewel shards. As we were walking down the path everyone started to get tired. Even me, which is surprising.

I guess traveling in the Feudal Era makes you tired! Once we found a place to rest we all immediately fell asleep.

( Nightmare )

'It's dark... It's too dark...' I thought to myself. I could tell it was a nightmare, but... I keep having the same ones and now that I'm here the beginning has changed.

As I walked through the darkness trying to find the light, I saw a fire... I tried to walk past it and all of a sudden it surrounded me. I freaked, then I saw all of my family and friends that I once had taunting me then disappearing into dust. As if they were never there, memories flooded... Then, I heard someone yelling, "wake up!".

(End of nightmare)

I woke up crying, panting and scared. My heart started beating, what felt like a thousand miles per second... That's not possible I know, it just felt like it. I wiped the tears off of my face and looked around. Everyone was still asleep so I tried to get as comfortable as I could and fell back into dreamland.

As the sun had risen more, later into the morning. I woke up, along with everyone else. I had a small pain in my side but figured it was from sleeping fairly uncomfortably.
Pushing the pain aside, everyone got ready to continue the trip.

(A/n) thank you guys I hope you really enjoy. I'd say slow and fast updates. Depends how busy I am. I mean we all have our busy times, right? XD ( ̄▽ ̄)

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