The Beginning

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"I'm finally going to be myself and stop following people for once", I mumbled under breath while rushing in to the place I was going to be in for the next two months. I took a deep breath and thought, Hmm... Under Hill High I'm finally in, what will I do first. I shrug my shoulder and went to my room where my roommate were already there. I walk in very quiet so I wouldn't cause any trouble. I drop my bags on the bed that she didn't take and sat there. She turns around and noticed me with excitement asking me, "why you are you so quiet"? I turn to her with a  surprised expression, it was strange that she was excited to see me, a stranger. But I answer, "I didn't know if you wanted to talk or not, So I didn't want to bug you". "Oh it's fine I'm a cool weird child so most things would be fine to me", she said with the biggest smile i've ever seen since  my fifteen years of living. It was hard not to smile back to her with a smile so unbelievably  beautiful. She came up to me and hugged me so tightly, shaking back and forth and said, "I believe we are going to be great friends". I pushed her, grabbed her by the shoulders, and told her, "we don't know each other names yet, my name is Beastly, but you can call me Beast". She told me, "oh yeah my name is Rachel and I don't have a nickname you can call me". As soon she said that, an announcement came on telling everyone to go to the Black Room. Basically the black room is a place where everyone goes to stand on a stage and talk to us. When we started to go, I started to look at Rachel's appearance more. She had brown hair with light brown highlights that went down to her waist, a good type of skinny because she has a little weight, with green eyes, light skin, and clothes that just put her weird personally out there, but I guess her clothes were normal because it was a style. Her looks had me look at myself thinking 'who am I'. With my black hair that only went  halfway down my back, with my hazel eyes, and my no personality self. I guess I am a little jealous over her, it might just be my head trying to make me wonder. Thank God we were close to the black room so I didn't have to wonder, that wondering lead to lots of stuff I don't need right now.

We walk in and since we were like one of the first people in, we sat in the front to get a better view. It took like five minutes for everyone to get there. So everyone was noisy, you couldn't hear a thing so I stayed quiet looking at everyone and everything. As soon as the lady in charge came in everyone went silent and it was so quiet that you can drop a pin and it would eco a million times till it would stop. As she walk up the small amount of stairs, all you can hear is her heels tapping against the floor. When she got to the mic, she took a deep breath and started to talk to us. "Hello, I'm hoping you guys are going to enjoy your next two months here at Under Hill High. You're going to find what you're good at in these months, but not everyone has a talent so this week you would be taking a test you to see if you qualify for this school". I would go on as to what she was saying, but I wasn't really listening to her. It wasn't important what she was saying because I already knew what she was going to say I been waiting most of my life for this moment to be here.

She started to call names up for the testing. Surprisingly I was the first name to be called also my friend was too. There was five of us on the stage. The lady put a name tag on the floor with our names Beastly, Lucas, Rachel, Danny, and Paige. I was wondering why we were the only one pick, but I didn't bother to question. She told us to turn around and walk into the room that were behind us. I wonder how were there rooms behind us. But, when I turn around I was proven wrong because there was five rooms sitting there out of nowhere. It didn't matter to me, it was probably a curtain there, I probably didn't notice it. The thing that was sticking out to me was how the door looked. It was all silver with a metal handle and look like a colorful thing was in front of it, that colorful thing looked like a bubble. almost. I wasn't going to show any fear, since this was my first day didn't want a bad reputation on me.

I started to walk up to the door and the others followed behind to their doors. We put our hands on the handle and open the door. It was blank white, but we walked in. As soon as I walk in the door shut so fast I felt the wind as it push my hair. I took at deep breath as I walk forward and as I blink, three small pillars with things on them. The pillar on the left had clothes on it with a sigh saying Please Change This Is Your Uniform. The uniform was all black clothes, skinny jeans and a tight shirt.  The pillar on the right had a necklace that was unbelievable so beautiful. The necklace had a dark purple color on the picture and a tree. The necklace had me think so much I don't why. The final pillar had a fire in it, it was for us to make a pledge and to pour water on the fire. Soon the pillars disappeared in the blink of an eye like when they came. So I sat here for a while, since there was nothing to do, it felt like it was a hour or two. Then I heard something cling, like a sword was coming out of something. Soon it was actually a sword and it was being thrown at me. I didn't know what to do so I dodge the sword as fast as I can. I saw it a clear vision on what through the sword at me. It was a knight, it had all purple armor and a huge hemelt that look so familiar. I got so distracted by the hemelt when the knight thrown the sword at me, I didn't have a lot of time to dodge it. The sword hit the side of my cheek and I had a huge cut. It disappeared as soon I got hit like it was only supposed to only hit me once. My cheek wouldn't stop bleeding and the blood was starting to hit the floor. The knight came back and it push me on the floor and had the sword to my neck. I scream putting my hands up and a big force push the knight in the sky and it dissolved. I was surprised, I didn't know what to do. " A power", I question myself. I close my eyes for awhile and when I open them there was two people dying on the floor. I ran over to them and they grab me saying repeatedly, "Help us. Please we need you". I touch them and my hand started to glow and they got up perfectly fine. I rub my eyes to check my eyesight, it was true I heal them. I quickly touch my cheek and my cut it was got. This test was really weird, I didn't understand what it was for. A call came and it ego, but I couldn't tell what it was saying. Then a whisper said, " You have to hide". I open my eyes wide open, how are you supposed to hide if it a plain white room. I started to shake not knowing what to do. I look at my hands and it was fading. Was I turning invisible, out of everything that happen it had to be true. I had a little amount of time to find out how to turn fully invisible. I tried to relax, but I was worrying way to much. A timer pop up with two minutes was on it. The clock click every second, it made my even more nervous at it is. I was fearing of whatever happens at the end of that timer. A minute pass by and I going completely insane, freaking out running in circles. Then I thought if I want to be a object, then you must think like the object. The problem was how do you know what invisibility thinks like. It hit me, think like you clear or the colors around you which was white. Five seconds was on the clock, I only had that much time. Quickly I thought of clear things, in my head was repeating your as clear as water in a glass. The clock hit one and I turn invisible. A head poke out of somewhere and didn't see me. It left and I took a deep breath and stop being invisible. The door open and I left the place. The lady said, " you're the first to walk out". I look at her weird asking, "How long was I in there". She smiled, "About ten minutes, I'm surprised because you beat the school's record". I open my eyes wide open and didn't say a word. I thought I was in there for at least a hour or two. I walk down the stairs and took my seat. Slowly everyone else came out and in their eyes was fear. I wonder how bad was theirs test.

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