Things Unfolding

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Soon everybody's test was gladly over. Everybody had fear when they walk out, which was odd because I didn't. Was my test really easy and everyone else was unbelievably hard. That didn't matter, all that matter was me getting into the school. The lady started to tell us, "Your test scores will be in tomorrow. It will state if you stay in or if you have to go back home. The rest of the day is to yourself, have a wonderful day." She ended with a smiled and walk off the stage. I turn to my friend Rachel, she was shaking. I was afraid to ask, but I did, " How bad was your test, are you ok"? She kept looking forward like she didn't hear me. I put my hand on her shoulder and she turn at me. She hugged me tightly,where I can barely breath. She quickly said, "Did you know this school had powers, how is that possible. I don't understand this, I really don't. I tried to calm her down, even tho that impossible. I answer her, "No I didn't know, but I don't think we had powers this whole time, like something had to give it to us". She nodded to agree with me, and started to calm down.

My stomach started to growl showing I was hungry. So I when to get something, Rachel just followed me. I got to the cafeteria and it was amazing, this place had almost every restaurant in the world. It was hard to pick so I ask Rachel about it. She didn't know either, so I pick the one closest to us. I didn't even get to read the name because Rachel push us in. The restaurant was nice and calming wasn't crazy. Rachel and I when to take a seat, and it was silent for two minutes. Then she started a conversation, "Hey since we just met this morning let get to know each other." I didn't want to agree, but at the same time I didn't want to be rude. She started to ask question and her first question was, "If you would date someone right now who would it be". My eyes were wide open, should I tell her who like I. She kept going on, "I really like Lucas just look at him, with his big brown eyes and his hair is oh my god", as she stare at him biting her lip. This was a problem for me I LIKED HER, but I can't tell her that. "Uh... Well... Um, I don't think I like anyone at this moment".

She laughed, "Are you sure you're hesitating". I quickly nodded not saying a word. The waitress come over and ask for our order. We both order water, and a small salad, the only difference was I had blue cheese dressing and she ranch dressing. She kept staring at Lucas like a weirdo, which was good for me so I didn't need to say anything. I stared at the table waiting for our food just listening to Rachel be annoying about Lucas. It didn't take long for Lucas to leave, but now Rachel was going to talk to me. "Why are you so quiet, are you the silent type of person". Looking up at her I replied, "Yeah pretty much of my whole life was being alone. So I'm not used to talking to people". She look down in sadness, "Oh sorry I didn't know".

"You didn't know so it fine people ask that all the time", as I raise her head. Our food was finally brought over, I felt like my stomach was eating itself. I started to stuff my face quickly, like I didn't have any manners at all. "Slow your roll Beastly your going to over stuff yourself", Rachel said trying to stop me. I stop to look down at myself and salad was all over me. I immediately rush to grab napkins to clean myself off. I sat there in embarrassment, and started to blank out the world.

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