Chapter 1- Oh Violet

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My mother had just told me a few minutes ago that the family moving in next door, whom I've never seen before due to the fact I was at school, has all their furniture and things in place and are finally moving in. That's why I'm sitting on my front porch steps with a plate of homemade cookies. It didn't really pique my interest that a new family full of fresh faces is moving to the neighborhood. As a matter of fact, I hate this idea. This just means I'm going to have to talk to them and...socialize.

I'm kicking my shoes into the dirt when I hear the sound of rubber tires colliding with the earthy ground. My ears perk up and my head follows suit. An involuntary frown falls on my face. This is it. I'm going to face the new family. The car comes to a sudden halt in their new driveway and the engine dies. A few seconds later, a girl steps out of the car. All I can see is medium length black hair slightly being blown by the cool breeze and skinny exposed legs. My heart catches me by surprise when I suddenly feel it fastening its pace. The girl strides to the trunk of the car and lifts a brown cardboard box. When she turns around as she makes her way to the house, my sudden feelings completely vanish.

Oh my goodness. The girl's face is sagging from age. She isn't a girl but instead a middle-aged woman who I assume to be the mother of the family my mom told me about. My feelings are replaced my disgust and discomfort. I nearly fall over and pass out. I was deceived. My heart beat for...that woman. A woman who could be as old as my mom so basically my heart beat for my mom. I shiver. That is completely outrageous. I don't know what to do with myself. Don't get me wrong. She's one pretty looking lady but it's quite astonishing how my body functions. A man steps out of the car from the driver's seat. I can clearly see the him and I assume he's the father. The two go to the trunk of the car and haul some more boxes. When the both of them are inside the house, putting the boxes down, a girl from the back of the car exits. She looks around the new environment and soon locks eyes with me. A huge grin crawls onto her lips and she makes her way over to me. Panic and anxiety flood inside me. I manage to stand up but my legs are viscously wobbly. Before the girl approaches me, my mom comes out of the house and comes to my rescue. She stands beside me and smiles at the little girl. Thankfully my mom's smile steals the little girl's attention. The little girl takes a few cookies from the plate I'm holding and chats with my mom after they take a few steps away from me. My shoulders almost sink in relief. That is until another figure catches my eye.

Lastly, there is one more girl that steps out of the car. Long dark brown- almost black- hair swaying and exposed legs. Before my heart begins to beat faster than usual, I catch myself. I've felt this way just a few minutes ago. I won't be fooled once more. As much as I force myself not to feel anything, my heart takes control and beats even faster than it did for the mother. The girl turns around and the plate falls to the ground from my grip. I feel like melting. The girl is unimaginably pretty and she has so much skin exposed. I can almost feel my lower region getting excited. The girl's head whips around to my direction and rushes to my aid upon hearing the accident.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?!" She asks with concern evident in her voice. I'm speechless as I stare down dumbfounded. She squats and takes a tissue out of her back pocket and places the surviving cookies on it. Then she piles up the shattered pieces of the plate and takes them to the recycling bin next to my mailbox. She comes back and examines my body. Her eyes widen when they get to my right shin.

She brings her hands to her mouth and softly gasps, "You're bleeding!" Her eyes meet mine and she takes my wrist and brings me inside her house. She sits me down on the wooden floor and tells me to stay there. She rushes to her car and comes back within a minute. She sets a first aid kit down and takes an alcohol wipe and a bandage out. She takes the alcohol wipe and gently cleans up the bloody cut. Then she rips the bandage open with her teeth and places the bandage over my cut. When she's finished, she clasps her hands together and smiles at me.

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