Chapter 10- Is This Really Happening?

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I look around, not really paying attention to anything and once my eye hits the door, I freeze. There she is. Violet enters the gym and she's looking around looking somewhat confused as she takes the sight in. She's radiating with beauty, casting a glow, a halation of her own unique color, looking more stunning than any goddess out there. In this moment, she is a goddess. Violet is still looking around, searching for me as she makes her way across the floor. The pink dress she's wearing hugs her body, outlining all her curves. God, she's so beautiful. When she's about seven feet away from me, that's when she spots me. Her face goes blank for a second before a dark shade of pink paints her cheeks. She tucks a strand of hair away from her face and walks over to me keeping her gaze down. As she gets closer, the clicks of her black pumps get louder.

Violet sits beside me and asks, "Will, is that you?" I nod in response and I can't tell if she's blushing. "You look different. But good different." I smile at her. She notices my glasses peeking out my pocket and takes them. She opens them up and puts them on me.

"Oh crap it really is you." She says before giggling and taking them off my face and tucking it back in my pocket. Nell and Tyler enter.

"Look at them. Aren't they cute?" Violet asks rhetorically. After a couple of minutes, Tyler leaves Nell to get some snacks and Nell comes rushing over.

"Violet! Violet! I- Jesus Christ! Is that you, Will?" Nell says. Violet smiles cheekily as if she were the one being indirectly complimented. Then she drapes her arm around me and now it's my turn to blush. Nell narrows her eyes at me and says, "Don't ever dress like this again, Will. I might actually fall for you." Nell scowls at me before turning her attention to Violet. A small smile involuntarily crawls on my lips at her choice of words. "Anyway, did you see me and Tyler walk in together?" 

"OH MY GOSH YES! I SHIP IT SO MUCH! Why didn't you guys hook up any sooner?!" Violet squeals but is practically screaming. Nell and Violet walk towards Tyler as they go further in depth with their conversation. I don't mind. Dances aren't really my thing anyway. I stand aside to the corner watching everyone turn up. Then my eyes wander to Violet. She's jumping around and dancing with Nell. I choke down a chuckle at how ridiculous she looks. My eyes watch her and when her eyes meet mine, it's turns into a scene straight out of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". Violet dances her way towards me and forcefully grabs my wrist and pulls me into the crowd. She's dancing and I will admit, almost anything Violet does is contagious. Just the sight of her makes me want to dance even though I have never danced in my life nor plan on doing so. 

Within seconds I give in and she and I are both dancing and having fun. When two songs are over, I head back to the snack table. Violet continues dancing as if she has no intention in stopping. It makes me wonder how much stamina she has. I don't have much time to think about it when the rented DJ, who is just an Austin Melleck alumni who didn't quite achieve his dreams, suddenly announces that he's going to take it slow with the next song, making sure to put emphasis on "slow" by lengthening the "o" sound. Great. Another cliche scene that seems taken straight out of a movie. I consider asking Violet to slow-dance but then I gag at the fact I actually even conceived such a thought. But then I actually consider it and think about it. When I start shuffling across the floor to ask Violet, I'm beat to it by some guy. I think his name Damien Brookes but I can't really see. I slouch against the wall and this time laugh at actually trying to slow-dance with Violet, thinking I have some sort of chance. The two of them spin around and I see him. It most certainly is Damien Brookes, who is in fact, pretty handsome. All of girls swoon over him despite his reputation of sleeping with girls, getting them pregnant and then walking out of the picture. 

I can feel emptiness begin to swell up in my chest, a teensy bit of envy but that's blocked out by mostly sadness. People must pity me. I even pity myself. I stand to the side, in the darkness, watching as Violet is gradually getting swept off her feet by the charming Damien Brookes with his hazel colored eyes and his chocolate-brown hair which basically mirrors my cut. You can't forget his choice of words, too. I heard he's pretty good a sweet-talking. Dammit, why did I have to lose to him? The song ends and I just want to kick myself in the face and go home. The next song is being introduced and I decide to take off. Just as I'm about the turn around and leave, I hear running and Violet calling me. She grabs my wrist and turns me around. She doesn't even explain and leads me to the floor. Though we're not even really on the dance floor, it's perfect for me.

Violet steps closer to me and now we're a little finger away from each other. She doesn't bother looking at me as she places my hands on her waist. Then she looks up at me and I swear I almost kiss her accidentally. Our noses are so close to touching despite our height difference. Violet looks down and puts my hands lower so they're on her hips. She looks at me cheekily but I place my hands back on her waist as a blush catches me by surprise. She puts her hands on my shoulders and says, "Jeez, Will. You're such a gentleman. You can put your hands on my hips you know." 

I look down, hoping she doesn't see my blushing face in this light, and press my lips into a thin line in embarrassment. Is this really happening? I ask myself as I sway Violet from side to side. I want to hold her even closer. I want her body against mine. I want her skin in contact with mine. I just want her. And not even in a dirty way. Nothing is dirty when it comes to Violet. I just want a pure, genuine romantic love with her. Violet takes a step closer and our bodies are pressed against each other's as if she read my mind. She wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder as we continue swaying. 

Soon the song ends much to my disappointment and Violet pries herself from me. She smiles at me and says she's going to the snack table. Did this really happen? Was I really that close to Violet?  I watch as Violet walks away, with such awe written on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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