Chapter 8- Let's Go Together?

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Things are back to normal now. Violet and I are sitting at our usual lunch table and she is telling me about an upcoming chem test. As much as I want to listen to Violet, all I can think about is Valentines Day. It's next week and I'm not sure what to do. Violet waves her hand in front of my face, probably noticing my current daze. Just as she opens her mouth to speak, a senior mounts a poster on the wall  right behind me. Instead of asking about the current place my mind has flown to, Violet reads the poster aloud.

"Valentine's Day Semi-Formal. Bring your sweetheart and be in for a treat!" She pauses. "Hey that seems like fun. Oh shoot I don't have anyone to go with." Violet pouts. 

Gosh, how I would kill to go to the dance with her, put my hands on her waist, sway side to side with her, lean in and ki-

"Will? Do you know anyone I can ask to the dance?" She cuts me off from my train of thought. It takes me a second or two to process what she said. Then I shake my head. There goes her pout. She continues munching on her salad. We don't speak after that. 

After biology, Violet and I head to our lockers. As I take my last books out, Nell comes rushing to us. 

"Violet! Violet! Violet! Guess what?" Nell doesn't really give Violet time to ask what as she answers right as Violet begins to ask. "Tyler asked me out to the dance. Freaking Tyler asked me!" 

I look at the two girls, puzzled, as smiles creep onto their faces. Now they're jumping up and down in excitement, squealing at the supposed accomplishment. 

"I'll tell you the details later!" Nell shouts as she runs down the hall to catch her next class. 

After school, Violet and I take our regularly scheduled routine and walk home. We head straight to my room to do homework. She spends most of her time in my room smiling at her phone and squealing rather than doing her assignments. Violet abruptly slams her phone into the mattress and shoots up from her position, grabbing her belongings and swinging her schoolbag over her shoulders.

"Sorry Will! I'm gonna have to make rain check. Gotta go. Nell needs me. Like really bad. I'll see you later?" She says as she makes her way out my house. Well, I guess I'll be alone for the rest of the night. Great. Just pleasant.


The dance is slowly approaching. It's tomorrow and I still haven't mustered up the balls to ask Violet to go with me. Why is this so difficult to do?! I aggressively rake my fingers through my hair and sigh. Violet takes notice and doesn't bother asking what the hell is wrong with me. Instead she pokes at her fruit cup, completely rejecting her homework that is beside her on my bed, and asks, "Hey Will. Wanna be my date?"

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