Chapter 14

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Woah, 1K! I never expected this book to have this much reads! I have a book that only has 4. So, I hope you people enjoy the chapter! It's pretty short

Percy's POV

   We were in the astronomy tower. Harry was staring at me even more than normal. He's been acting strange, ever since Draco put that spell on him. What does it do? I pondered on the thought. "Pay attention, Mr. Jackson!" Professor Sinistra said. "You too, Potter! Now, it's time for you to presentate your constellations. Who would like to start?"
   Nobody raised their hands. "Neville" Professor Sinistra called. "Show us where your constellation is,"
   "Umm," Neville said. He pointed towards what looked like a blob of stars. I sighed, this could take a while.
------time skip------------------
   "Mr. Jackson," professor Sinistra finally called.
   I pointed towards Zoë. "That's my constellation, her name is Zoë," I said
   "Tell us her story,"
   "Zoë was a hunter, a hunter of Artemis. She was her lieutenant. Zoë's father was Atlas, a titan who had to hold up the sky. Then, many decades later, Zoë was appointed on a quest of five people. Two people were supposed to die. One, a fellow hunter, the other her. Zoë was killed by her own father. Since Zoë had served Artemis for many years, Artemis turned her into a constellation, the end," I finished. I felt like I've actually seen this...
   "Good," professor Sinistra said. "B+, the story didn't make sense, like, why would a dad kill his own daughter?"
   "I dunno," I mumbled
   I tried to remember why I wrote that but I couldn't. "Class dismissed!" Professor said
   We all left. "Time for divination," Ron said.
   Ron, Harry, and me walked to divination class. 10 minutes through class, Professor Trelawney had told me that I was going to die 20 times. She's very cheerful. Firenze (did I spell that write?) on the other hand just told me that my life was going to be very difficult. He seems much more nicer since he only said my life was going to be "difficult".
   Soon, it was time for defense against the dark arts.

Harry's POV

   We were doing something called "defense against the dark arts,". I wonder what it's like...

Percy's POV

   The Nico kid seriously looked familiar, like someone that I know. My memories still didn't come back, maybe i should go to the nurse... Nah.
   Today, Nico has brought wooden swords. They looked like the type of swords that little kids use. Nico handed out the swords to us. Today, he taught us how to disarm a person with a sword, I was the example. I felt like I've fought with a sword before... Probably not.
   By the end of the class, almost everyone was all sweaty and gross. We all walked back to our common rooms. I flopped down on the couch, tired. Hermione and Ron sat next to me. Harry had disappeared somewhere. "I think we know how to get your memories back," hermione said.
   I perked up. "Really?" I asked.
   "Maybe..." Hermione said.
   "That's good enough for me, tell me how,"
   "Okay," hermione said. "First you have to..."

Percy Jackson: grandson of Kronos and also Voldermort, yayWhere stories live. Discover now