Chapter 32

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Tired... I am tired... School is tiring...
9:53 PM
Annabeth's POV

------Time skip cuz why not------

8:03 AM

It was January and still no sign of him. The last time I actually saw him was before I even ran away, that was all the way back when I was about 6 years old. Twelve years have past since I last seen him. I sighed looking around. He could be anywhere right now. I can't believe no one realized he was missing. Though it wasn't like it was my fault at least. I was at camp dealing with that annoying quest... Now there's another quest, great, just great. I wonder what Percy's doing right now. I looked at one of the papers I was holding. Where are you Magnus?

8:33 AM
Frank's POV

I am tired.

Reyna's POV

I fixed my armor.
So many people died... Was it worth it? Yes. Sad but worth it, though the war still isn't over yet. More people or going to die. Maybe even me, though could we have prevented those deaths?
I sighed. This isn't about the past, it's about the future. We have to win. There's no way that we can let Saturn win or else... I sighed walking to the meeting we were supposed to have. I looked around, some of the buildings were partially destroyed. Some were completely destroyed.
Lately, Frank and me have been fighting more than usual and the skies are darker. People aren't as cheerful anymore... Even Gwen.
"Hey," a familiar voice said from my side.
"Hi," I mumbled. "Are you off to the meeting?"
"Yeah," Nico said.
"We need a break from fighting,"
"I know,"
"About half of our campers are injured!"
There was a silence. I saw smoke rising from somewhere nearby then, a scream.


I quickly ran towards the scream and smelt the thick scent of venom. Hydra. "Ugh, where's Leo when you need him?" Nico asked to no one in particular.
"Nico, shadow travel to the weapons room and get the Greek Fire!" I said quickly.
"Why do you have Greek Fire, you're Roman,"
"Who cares, just get it!"
Nico shadow traveled away as the hydra roared. Nico came back and set the hydra on fire, burning it and sending it back into Tartarus.

Percy Jackson: grandson of Kronos and also Voldermort, yayWhere stories live. Discover now