Chapter 14

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That night I cooked for her.

"Mommy you got something on your face." She said giggling.


"I'll get it off." She replied still giggling.

I leaned forward and she smeared some mashed potatoes on my cheek and I started laughing.

"Come on let's go take a bath." I said taking our plates to the sink.

I picked her up and put her on my waist as I grabbed a napkin and wiped my cheek.

I ran some water in the tub and we both got in. I blew some bubbles in her face and she giggled. When she tried to blow them back she couldn't because she didn't have a big enough breath.

"Mommy what are those?" She said pointing at my chest.

"Well, they are my breast. One day you will grow them also."

"Mila doesn't have those."

I almost laughed myself to death when she said that.

"You're going to have some because your mom has some, and you're going to look, and have some traits and characteristics I have." I said those big words because that's how my mom did me. I would almost never know what they were talking about. They would tell me to get a pen and a paper and write every word they said that I didn't understand. Then the next day she gave me a dictionary and I looked them up and wrote the definitions down. I was an all A and B student all through schools.

"Why won't I also look like my mommy Mila?" She asked.

"Because baby...... Mila's not your mom. I'm your mom. I know it confusing but you'll understand later." I explained. "Now let's dry up." I said.


I woke up the next morning and Mila ran and hopped on top of me.

"Trey!" She squealed.

"Yes Mila?" I smiled.

"I'm pregnant!!" She said bouncing up and down not knowing she was getting me turned on because she was right on top of my crotch.

"Gone have another little boy." I said gripping her waist as she bounced.

"He's gonna be just like you." She smiled.

I bit my lips and she kissed me.

"How far along are you?" I asked.

"Two months!" She said laying her head on my chest.

Look at us building and family and shits. When we got up I got Titus ready and we all went to get something to eat at ChickFilA.

I saw a woman rushing over. My security posted up.

"May I have a picture with you?" she called from in front of my security.

"Yea." I said standing up.

"I heard Brooklyn was alive. Is she doing ok?" She asked.

"She's doing quite fine actually." I replied smiling."


"It's like your fans don't even acknowledge me as your wife." Mila said.

"They do, it's just they've been worried about Brook." I replied wrapping my arm around her neck as we walked down the sidewalk, and she strolled Titus in the stroller.

Later that night I headed over by myself to pick up Marilyn.


I packed up Marilyn's things and gave her another suitcase to take the clothes we bought while at shopping.

The door bell rang and we went to it and opened it to see Trey.

"Hey. Can I come in?" He asked.

"I guess." I said.

We went into the living room and Marilyn sat on my lap.

"Marilyn could you go upstairs while mommy and I talk." Trey said and she went racing upstairs.

"A fan asked about you today.. They always ask." He stated and I nodded.

"So about that text-" I cut him off.

"What about it?" I asked.

"You're serious?"

"Yes! You have a wife and a child by her."

"Two children now.. She's pregnant."

I fought back tears. "Congratulations."

"Maybe me and her are a mistake."

"Trey, what are we doing here? What! I don't understand what we're even doing! We're just going nowhere fast."


"And what are you saying she was a mistake?"

"Brook!" I said sternly.

"Let me finish dammit!!" I yelled.

"I don't want to be around you because when you leave guilt will eat me up and I'll be puking my brains out. I don't need this. All these years of dwelling over you! I could have been married with another child! But I was so stuck on you!" I just broke down causing Trey to come over and hold me.

"Go." I sat sitting there hugging myself.

He stood up and called for Marilyn.

"Bye mommy. I love you." She called.

"I love you too." I said getting myself together and then the door shut.

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