Ch. 6: Blackmailed by the Beast in Beauty's Clothing

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Zack rubbed my back as I sobbed at the table, my phone laid beside me. "I.....what a could he," I managed between sobs. "I'm sorry, I had no idea, Stella," Zack whispered as he sat beside me. Mom and Dad hugged me from behind. Suddenly, my phone rang, making us all jump. I looked at the caller id and saw that it was Kacey. "Where were you today?" I practically shouted into the phone. I could almost hear Kacey flinch through the phone as she responded. "I'm sorry, but my grandpa's in the hospital, and my parents let me miss school to be with him," she softly cried. I felt like I just got slapped in the face, and deserved it. Here I am crying over a stupid boy, while Kacey's crying because her grandpa could be dying. I'm a terrible friend. "Kace, I'm so s-," "I'm sorry, I have to go," Kacey abruptly hung up. I held my face in my hands and began sobbing again. Then my phone rang again and I saw that it was Seth. Zack looked at me, sincerity and seriousness in his eyes. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want to," he whispered. I sighed. "Welp, let's see what he's got," I said, instantly regretting that once I picked up. "What do you want?" I clenched my teeth. "Just please, hear me out," Seth pleaded. I could almost see his blue eyes widen as he said this. I rolled my eyes, then remembered he couldn't see me. "One minute, Rayford. That's all you get," I caved. I only called people by their last names if I was furious, and this is one of those times. I heard him sigh in relief on the other side of the line. "I know you think that Rachael and I are, *gulp*, together, b-," "Three freaking years, Seth!" I shouted, cutting him off. "Before asking me out, you could've mentioned that you were currently in a relationship that's been going on for three years!" Seth moaned in annoyance. "Just let me explain, please!" He shouted back. I couldn't bear to hear his voice anymore, so I hung up and, once again, bursted into tears. I should've known....

Seth's P.O.V....! (A day earlier)

"I want you to stay away from her, Seth! I'm the one you want," Rachael huffed. Who does she think she is? My guardian? "Uh, no. Stella is the one I want," I stated matter-of-factly. "God, stop saying that!" Rachael slammed her hand down on the table in front of us. I shrugged. "I only say what's true," I innocently shrugged my shoulders. Rachael glared daggers at me. If looks could kill...actually, these daggers are very dull, so I'd still be fine. "You know what, fine. I guess I'll just tell her your secret, and then she wouldn't like you anymore, so you'd just have to come to me," Rachael said, suddenly regaining her composure. My palms started sweating. "You wouldn't dare," I glared back at her. "Oh, but I would," she whispered. "Well, if you don't want her to know your secret, I guess you could be my boyfriend," she squealed. I stifled a gag. "Me? You...? No," I shook my head, laughing. Rachael's fake smile disappeared. "Listen, Jordan, I'll even stop being mean to Stella," Rachael beamed, as if that sweetened the deal. I flinched at the use of that name. "Don't call me that," I said through clenched teeth. Rachael smirked. "I'll just tell her your secret, then," she sighed, twirling an ugly lock of strawberry blonde hair. Stella can't know..."Fine. I'll do it," I caved, instantly regretting it. "Perfect!" Rachael squealed, clapping her hands together. "So, come on, boyfriend, let's go on a date," Rachael whispered, grabbing my hand and leading me to her car. It's weird, getting blackmailed by the beast in beauty's clothing. And I seriously regret this. I'll figure out something to get out of this...

Hey, readers! Feel free to leave a vote and/or a comment if you enjoyed this chapter. So, what do you think Seth's secret is, huh? Sorry this was a little bit shorter than the other chapters, but I guess this was sort of a filler. Much drama to come!  •~~~(^=^)~~~• 

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