Boy DeFire

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Boy DeFire

Dear Boy DeFire,

Scald me with your love
Burn me with your heart
Beat me with some of
Torture and tear me apart

Smoke it with some life
And then take away mine
Light it like I'm your wife
Scar it like liver with wine

Lather me with words
Dazzle me with stars
Let's be insane love birds
Let us out of these jars

Dash into my soul
Intoxication as a rose
Shoot me like I'm a goal
Show me who are my foes

Two parallel angles
With two angel glows
Just wanna get in tangles
Get kicked ankles with your toes

Chemicals seen on skin
Acid sits and grows
And the world goes dim
You're the one that's not low

All my bravery is crying
And the words can't hug
Cause this big shot lion
Fell for a scorpion bug

Can't fucking let go
You'll never be gone
Frozen thoughts in the snow
And we can see the lawn

Scald me with your love
Burn me with your heart
Beat me with some of
Torture and tear me apart


The one who needs you to light their cigarette

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