The Strange Boy

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P.O.V- Nicky

It's Halloween night and my best friend Sophie and I are going to the woods. We got our bags all ready and everything! Now I just waiting for her to call.

As I stand up to go put my stuff in my car I hear my phone ring.

"Hello?" I said answering my phone

"Hey Nicky it's Sophie." I hear her say

"Hey I've been waiting for your call are you ready?"

"Um yeah about that.."

"Sophie what's going on?"

"I'm not going its going to be dark and scary and I don't want bugs in my ears!"

"Sophie we have been planning this all year you can't bail on me now!"

"Please let me bail I'm way to scared to go."

"Fine but I'm still going."

"Oh just be careful Nicky."

"Ok bye Sophie."

I hung up the phone mad. How can she bail? We have been planning this all year! I'm not bailing though I'm still going alone!

I get all my stuff into my car and head off to the dark woods.

As I approach the opening I get out of my car and grab stuff. I don't want my car getting stuck on a rock or something.

I'm walking up a little hill and spot the most unusual thing. There's a circle about a kilometer wide with no trees or grass just dirt! 'Well I guess this will have to do' I think to myself.

I start setting up my camp for the night but, I have a feeling someone or something was watching me.

"Hello?" I say to an empty space. There is no reply so I carry on setting up my tent.

As the day gets darker I feel more and more aware of something staring at me. So I decided to go on a hike before it gets completely dark. I start walking into the forest and I hear a scream coming from behind me.

I follow that scream. I get closer and closer but then stop finding no one. I turn around only to bump into a girl about my age. Her eyes were full of fear. As I look at her I can see blood everywhere!

"Holy crap! What happened?" I say with so much concern.

To my surprise she smiled "I got you fooled little one." She said grabbing my wrist "Is it just me or are you hungry? You look pretty tasty."

"Let go of me I am not and will not be of a snack to you!" I say wiggling my way out of her grasp.

I break free and run. I had no other choice by then there were warm hands around waist and I was being hauled over someone's shoulder.

"Hey let me go. I will seriously make you regret this!" As I said that there was a laugh. I recognized the laugh. His name was Roy. He was famous for his pranks on Halloween."Roy this was not funny!" I said angrily.

"Awe come on Nicky you know I always pull a prank every year! And I still cannot believe you didn't recognize the scary girl!" He said making me look back.

I looked back to see the girl and as I focused on her face she smiled and I knew who."Sophie!" I said mad.

"Ha I totally got you! I only canceled on you because I was getting ready for the prank!" She said while laughing.

After I calmed down from the we all headed back to the camp.

When we arrived Roy being Roy pulled out beer cartons and we all drank. That's when everything started blurring up. I don't know what I was doing but I remember Roy pulling me to the ground. I got scared then I wiggled my way out and he hit me so I ran. I don't know where I was running. All I knew was that I needed to be safe.

I ran deeper into the woods getting lost. As I ran I tripped on a root that was sticking out of the ground. I was expecting to hit the ground and roll but I didn't. Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me up. I looked up seeing Roy's face. He was red and furious. I braced my self for the blow.

I suddenly felt him getting lifted off me. As I looked I saw some guy holding Roy and he bite into his neck. I was holding back a scream. As I saw Roy hit the ground dead I did scream.

I tried to run but I only got about a yard before he grabbed me. Next thing I know he is holding me close to his body and whispering "Finally I found you. My brother and I have been searching for you Nicky. But I found you first and you shall be mine forever."

He made me look into his eyes and he told me very softly 'sleep'.


When I finally wake up I find my self in a dim room. I feel a soft mattress beneath me. I move just the slightest bit, only to feel an ice cold body right behind me. That causes me to freeze. I move so slowly and quietly to face the face. I only come to find non other than the boy who attack Roy yesterday.

He is still asleep so I quietly get out of his bed and walk to the door. I turn the knob only to get the door to slam shut. I saw a hand come in a blur and slam it shut. He then grabs my shoulders and spins me around to face him.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" He says trying to scare me.

"N-nothing." I say shakily.

He then pulls me into a big hug. I feel his chin rest on my head.

"I'm sorry for scaring you love. You should know better than to run from me though."

"I don't even know you!" I say shoving him hard. He looks at me confused then angry.

"Of course you do! Don't you remember me! Remember we met at the cafe down town? I will say this you were at the cafe with my brother on a date? But the sight of you took you breath away! I had to have you! You even smiled at me!" He looks into my eyes trying make me remember.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember you or any of that! I don't remember your brother or you! You can't make me remember things that never happened!" I said raising my voice.

"It happened though" he bent down on his knees holding my hands "I love you Nicky. I really do. That is why I'm not letting you leave. Sooner or later I'm going to have to turn you and you will be mine."

"T-turn me! Into what!" I said demanding that he tells me.

"A vampire."


Okay this is my first time attempting to make a story. I'm not sure how I'm doing so I'm leaving that up to you guys....



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