Jules & Ron, And Ricky?

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The next days were heaven. No one really knew about me and Ron because we didnt actually go around saying who we were going out with. Everything was perfect, I loved Ron and Ron loved me. Harry and this girl Cho started dating a little later, but i dont really think they are going to last. I'm not going to try and be mean but Cho seems a little pushy to me. Not to mention her and Harry fight alot. I was sitting at breakfast Ron across from me Hermione next to me and Harry next to wrong. Soon the owls came flying in to the Great Hall. Me and Ron were talking about our plans for Saturday, when an owl landed in front of me. I didnt excpect a letter from my parents yet, I just sent one to them yesterday. I was nervous because i didnt know who it was from. Hermione just looked at me and stared. She knew to that I send my parents letters every other week, This was my parents week to send something to me. I opened it cautiously not knowing who it was from. I soon gasped and ran out of the Great Hall. Ron lept up but I had to much of a head start. Hermione on the other hand ran along with me since i grabbed her hand as I jumped out of my seat.

"What are you doing? I'm hungry, and Whoa!!" I turned quickly into a girls bathroom. Hermione wriggled her hand out of my grasp.

" I-I" I stuttered and when i reliezed Hermione was looking at me with confusion i threw the letter at her. I went to the faucet to wash my face.

Dear, Jules.

I love you more than anything possible. Please tell me you were joking please. I cant believe you'd wanna throw 3 years down the toilet. There was a tear stain, making it difficult to read.  and i cant believe you broke my promise. It was more than that to me! You were more than my girlfriend you were my first and ONLY love and, I cant carry on. Send me something back saying it was a joke or just, i dont know. I'm hoping it was a mistake because I just love you to much. If it wasnt a joke. I.  From then on the letter was torn.

"What? Jules you said you broke up with him. You said he was okay with it. What promise did you break."

"I, Just dont tell Ron, I dont want him upset. I mean I did break up with Ricky. I-I" my voice trailed off as a 2nd year waled in. I didnt know her so i waited for her to leave before continuing. "I promised that i wouldnt fall for another guy, I mean, I thought I loved him. Before i left i was worried HE would ,meet another girl, but." A tear went down my face. Was I being to emotional for someone who I didnt love anymore? I soon got a grip of myself and decided i would write back to Ricky, saying it wasnt a joke and i was in love with someone else. "I have to write back and say i really love someone else. This wont come in between me and Ron." I snatched the letter from Hermione and ran off to the owlery.  i love Ron, I love Ron. I dont love Ricky. I love Ron! As soon as i turned a corner i ran into someone.

"Will you watch where you going! I cant stand when people dont know what the." The voice trailed off. It was Malfoy. Great! As if everything was going down the toilet not just my promise to Ricky. I dont love Ricky. I love Ron!  I told myself that, as i looked up and saw Malfoy staring at me.

" What? Am I bleeding?" I checked my mouth to find i wasnt bleeding but Malfoy was still staring at me. " What are you staring at?" I asked one more time. When I got no answer i stormed off. Rubbing my head. It hurt from more than stress. As if running into my boyfriends arch nemises and finding out my ex still loves me, wasnt enough, My head had to start hurting. I nearly ran into the wall after i left Malfoy.

I came out of the owlery after sending my letter to Ricky. Saying I really loved someone else and it wasnt a joke of any sort. That it really was over. When I saw Malfoy standing there. Waiting for me. I jumped as he tapped me on my shoulder.

"Hello, um Jules was it?" Malfoy looked as if he can do no harm at all. Hes Ron and Harrys enemy, What would he want YOU for.

"Yeah? What do you want, Malfoy." I glared at him but it soon vanished as he said,

"Well thats no way to treat someone when all they want is a date is it." My mouth dropped. Malfoy hated Mudbloods, or muggle born wizards/witches, What did he want a date with me for. Did he maybe not know?

"Let me think about it..." I knew my answer, I tapped my finger to my head, "Umm NO!" I then walked off and ran to the common room. My head swirled and i felt dizzy. I needed a lay down. My stomach flipped when i saw Ron outside the Common Room waiting for me.

"Hey, Jules, Whats wrong, you ran pretty fast outta the Great Hall?"

"Um my mum, she broke her arm and leg in an accident, i was worried so i wrote right back." Lying to my boyfriend made me sick, but i didnt want him to know. I mean it cant mean that much if I love Ron and not Ricky, but, i dont know what made me act like that.

After a couple of days i stopped worrying about it. It happened and Ricky didnt send a letter back. I took it as he got the hint. Soon at dinner a few weeks later another letter came. From Ricky.

Dear Jules.I love you.Love always Ricky. I saw Ron looking at me so i tucked it under my napkin. I tried to play it off before he got up and left the Great Hall. Did he read it? Was he mad, happy, upset? All i know is out of instinct i got up and followed him. Harry and Hermione stared at us. I gave Hermione a look of worry and confuison. I dont think she got it either because she looked away to talk to Fred and George. This somewhat hurt, I dont know why, but i have been feeling guilty for lying, I guess that is just what happens when your a bad liar.

"Ron? Ron! Where are you? Can we at least talk for a minute. I want to know whats wrong!" I sighed on the inside as I wondered around, trying to find Ron.

"Ooohh as if your this WONDERFUL liar now, Jules!" Ron came out behind a suit of armor, as he did so i jumped.

"Was it the letter? I mean come on and let me explain!" I quickly added "Please!" and a puppy dog face.

"No Jules, I dont want to talk, I need to think."

"Ron, It wasnt what you thought! It was my..." But before I could finish he ran up to the common room. i sighed and headed to the Great Hall. On my way I was looking at my feet. A tear falling down my cheek everynow and again. When as i just turned a corner a hand grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a empty classroom. Just before i could scream My mouth was covered by the attackers hand. I kicked and punched, only connecting one punch and by then two more people came out and held me down.

"GET OFF!" I screamed as i bit someones hand. I screamed it before the person could cover my mouth again.

" Hey, Jules, calm down, will you. I mean, Goyle, Crabbe let her go. And stand outside, i want a private word with her." I reconized that voice it was Draco's smooth but strong voice. "Now" he continued as his goons left. " a date is all i need, and then you will be on your merry way."

"What do you mean? My merry way, My way would be much more merrier if i didnt see you!" I spat on the ground, When i looked at it, it turned out i was bleeding.

"Well one word and you can leave." He smirked as I glared.

" No. And whenever you might do this again, I will go to..." He interupted me,

"You will go to Ron? Or Harry? After what you just did, after you broke Ron's heart i doubt he would give anything for you to leave his site." He spat next to me as I had just done.

Draco was right. Ron proberly hated my guts. He didnt even let me explain. I mean he always was caring but he just turned his back on me and left. It was the worst feeling in the world. Draco must have known that he made his point for as he held out his hand and said "Yes, or No?"

I thought for a good 3 minutes. Draco was handsome, but he was Ron and Harry's enemy. But the group most likely hated me once they heard what happened.

"Well," I couldnt even believe what I was doing. I took dracos hand and added "Fine. But just one date,"


soooo im going back to school really soon... RIP Summer of 2011 so updating with this is going to be cut short, im working on part5 and it should be up by monday.. :) 

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