The Truth Comes Out.

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The very next morning i went to the owlery, i wrote a letter to Ricky, I read it one more time before i sent it,

Dear, Ricky,

Hogwarts is awsome and all and i miss you lots, but there is something i got to say, i mean hear me out or in this case read me out before anything. I wanna say that me being a witch and you being so far away, i think its time we broke it off. I still like you and all but, there is no way to say it nicely, I broke you promise. I met someone, It really hurts for me to say this but hes sweet and kinda and caring, but that doesnt mean a part of me doesnt love you, its hard for me to say this because of how long we dated, all i wanna say is im sorry i kept you waiting, I knew i had to make this kind of decison soon.



As i read it over agian i couldnt help but drop a tear, i hooked the parchment on to an owl and let it fly off. I was hoping he wouldnt reply, that would make things worse. On my way back to the common room to catch up on some work, Because it was a rainy saturday, I bumped into the one and only Ronald Weasly. My heart skipped a beat knowing that i was single and could finally tell Ron i like hom.

"Oh Jules hey." He he rubbed his neck with his hand. I noticed this as one of his nervous signs Heromine warned me about.

"Hey Ron, I was going to go outside but," As I glanced out the window and pointed to the weather, "That wont happen, so i thought i'd catch up on some work." I gazed into his eyes and my heart beat so much faster. He was just perfect to me. I couldnt help but smile at the thought of him going out with me. But i wiped it away as he said

"Well I was looking for Heromine, but um, maybe later," He started to walk off and my heart sank so low it was horrible. I was on the verge of tears, I was almost to the common room when i hea my name called

"Jules, Hey Jules," Heromine's voice rang in my ears. At this point i had no intension to talk to her, Wiping away a tear the slipped down my cheek she added. "Jules are, are you crying?"

"No Heromine, I just don't wanna ta..." My voice cracked when i thought Ron was looking for that very person. And i turned on my heel to stare at her. Almost all the tears where coming out as i tried to say, "i t-t-t-though-t  t-t-hat you s-said he liked me," i lowered my head and couldnt help but let out a little sob, Heromine looked around and opened an empty classrooms door. She pulled me in and then i cried even harder.

"What happened? Ron does like you, He asked me himself what he should do," She was confuesed and i saw it on her face.

"He said he was looking for you." It was hard to think of " I mean HEROMINE really? I just sent an owl saying I wanted to break up to Ricky, then as i bumped into Ron he, he." I couldnt say it but Heromine guessed.

"He said he was looking for me after he turned you down for a walk to the common room," I stared at her. Was Mind reading really a power Some Witches, and Wizards get? She said word for word what i was thinking. She explained how Ron found her afterwards and said he got to nervouse and chickened out. " Why dont you just tell him you like him, i mean its so," i cut her off

" It isnt easy, I mean," i wiped away a tear and sighed "I was never someone who told someone else about my feeling for them. I always kept quiet, hoping someone will relieze i even exist. I wasnt ver popurlar, you know, really really Un popular." I cringed as i heard Heromine sigh. Was she going to Judge me, was she going to say get over it! What was she going to do.

"Well then keep your feelings from him then, I dont care anymore, you know you make it really hard for someone to help." Heromine then stormed out of the Classroom so it was just me.

The next couple of days were akward, when it was finally nice out, and we were able to go outside for break i decided Heromine was right. I gotta tell Ron and just give up being shy. For once i was going to say Ron Weasly i really like you. But soon after i thought of that i had a worse case thing where he says I dont like you back but your really nice, it was bad i was nervous.

"Heromine!" I called as I sprinted across the field. "I'm going to take you advice, im gonna tell Ron,that"

"Your gonna tell me what," Ron came up behind me and i nearly jumped high enough to grab a cloud. My heart was beating fast, Half from being right next to Ron and about to say I liked him and half because he scared the crap out of me. I looked at Heromine that mouthed the words "just do it"

"Um Ron can i talk to you, Over there, please" I pointed to a big oak tree that was pretty much vacated.

"Um sure?" Ron answered as he walked in front of me then sat down under the tree. I decided on my apporach.

"Ron, do you um," i was starting to shake, "like anyone," I said it so quickly he looked at me and said,

"Well yeah, Friend wise or more than friends."

"More than," i didnt even finish,

"What are you getting at?" He questioned me he sounded anxious but he gazed into my eyes with that caring look.

"Ron what im trying to say is," I sighed thought to myself DO IT and said very slowly "I really REALLY, like you, and its okay if you dont like me back but um i wanted to get that off my chest and i really am anxious and," I was babbling like an idiot like i do when im nervous. I opened my mouth so speak but was shut up by Ron's lips pressed against mine. It was like Fireworks were going off, and there was nobody else outside but me and him, He pulled out slowly, then he pressed his forhead against mine and whispered,

"I really REALLY like you to," He said it half mocking how i said it and almost completly truely, I hugged him and he hugged me. Oh my god i though, I just got kissed by Ronald Weasly, and it was the best feeling in the world!

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