Jules And Draco,

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Heyyy guys just a little note on this story, its gonna be really difficult to upload, I have Sadd after school and then the homework ia horrible even for the first day. [Its High School just to let u know]  I'm sowwy :( AND im having a writers block sooooooooo thats not good :(


"Draco? How did you know I liked this." The fact is I a;ways wanted to have a pincnic after a day of horseback riding. It was something I thought was so romantic, Im cheesy i know. 

"Well, I cant take all credit to this, This door is magical. I ask what or where you want to go on a date and it does so. I bewitched it myself." He caressed my cheek and I blushed. The weird thing is i think i was starting to love Draco. But I cant, It's horrible, First Ricky now Ron, I dont go from guy to guy, Im not like that but. Its so difficult, sometimes i wished i never came here. Ricky would still be the only guy for me, and i wouldn't have this much drama. I think Draco saw my look, and added "Well this isnt hard to say, I mean if my parents knew I asked out a Mudblood. I mean um Muggle-born Wizard. I would most likely end up 6 feet under. With no headstone saying anything. I would be shunned, but Jules, I really like you, I mean its more than this like its this i really need you and I" He stopped, but his cheeks were red as red can be. I laughed. To think I, Jules Anderson, got, Draco Malfoy, flustered, was weird at first. Then I realized, He was opening up to me.

"Well Draco, I mean well umm? I dont know what to say. I thought you were this evil person, wanting to do anything in your power to make Harry's life miserable. Now that I think about it, I'd want that. They all hate me anyways, what diffrence does it make?" I blinked back my tears, it was hard saying my only TRUE friends now hated me. I knew going out with Ron would ruin everything, if we were to break up. Which A) we did and B) he wanted that to happen. He didnt even let me explain. I gazed up at Draco and found he was looking away from me. It was akward and I slowly put my head down. He then muttered a spell or something, but i couldnt hear it. Then out of no where he said

"Turn around, You will Love it," He smiled. I then turned around slowly. To see my dream come true, I was on a beach with horses, but also Rose petals where spelling out Will You Be My Girlfriend, Jules? I smiled. That was sweet I loved it, Perfect and I couldnt and well Can't explain the happiness in me. I always though that was so Romantic. And Me being me, I spelt Yes out with a stick and some Rocks. It was a sloppy yes, but hey give me credit, I didnt want to Ruin anything. I know now that i REALLY REALLY love Draco Malfoy. And im gonna tell the whole World!

I was in my bed going over everything that happened to me that day. I was asked out by Malfoy, we went on our date, And i was now his girlfriend. No one knew excect me and Draco, I then thought diffrent when none other than Hermione came running up to my bed.

"Your. Going. Out. With." She was out of breathe and I secretly smiled, I liked when we talked but now no one really did, it was fine but seeing the one that ignored me the most talking to me, as if she cared. I smiled, and added, just like she was talking.

"Yes. I. Am. Problem?" I looked at her right in the eye, straight face and all. She laughed.

"Your joking right! You cant be going out with Draco, Hes Harry's and Ron's worst enemy! Are you going to really betray us like that?"

"No I'm not kidding and Yes I will. Draco proved a point. You hate me Harry hated me and Ron hates me. I dont care what you guys think anymore. Not to mention I start going out with Draco and you act all buddy-buddy? What are you, two-faced. I mean what do you care." I cant believe I just lashed out like that. But she is two faced i mean she ignores me all this time, then she hears who im going out with and she is now my friend. Maybe she wasnt trying to act friendly but, it's none of her concern. She doesnt have to watch my back anymore, we are no longer in each others lives. And im perfectly fine with that.

"Now Hermione, I'm going to go meet Draco, soo unless you want to stalk me or what not, I'm going. Oh, and Dont forget to turn off the light on your way out." I smirked as I turned around and walked away.

I sit down and put my head in Dracos lap. He puts his fingers through my hair and my whole body tingles.

" Well Jules, whens our next date. Well I mean, this is akward, im not good at this." I laughed, Well I have detention with Snape Saturday, Soooooo no go this saturday. Obviously. Then next Saturday I have um I dont know. Never mind." I laughed but I think it was because I was tired, thats okay though. Im with Draco and that makes it better.

"I have to go back up to the Castle soon, I still have Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts." He made a puppy dog face. I wish you would come up and help." I stared at him, he got the hint. The sun was gonig down when I stood up. I turned to face Draco. I just wanted one kiss. Just one before we parted ways. We have yet to kiss but I didnt say anything. It was something that wasnt easy for me to do. I am still amazingly shy, and bringing up even the thought of a kiss is akward. Even for those "Social Butterflys" I sighed and I think Draco was thinking the same thing. Next thing I knew, His lips were against mine, He grabbed my waist and I put my arms around his neck. It made my whole body tingle. It was a really weird tingle though I coudlnt explain it.

Next thing i knew I was pushed backwards about 5 feet and Draco hit a tree, after he too of course was pushed or something like that, Backward. I hit my head hard off the ground and the next thing I heard, was a series of spells being shot off.I then tried to sit up but it hurt way to much. So I just slumped down and blacked out. The last thing I remembered was someone calling.

"WAIT! STOP, Jules!"


dun Dun DUN!! This chappie is actually really long on Microsoft word.... Anyways Have fun until Next time I think i GOT over my writers block. :))

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