Jules Learns The Truth

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Soooo thanks a a certain best friend, i have many ideas and i need to organize them, soooooo this chapter could be really long or really short, depending if i delete unneeded parts. Soo how many of you think that Ricky is a desparate bastardo! [i meant to put the o at the end] i was trying to make u hate him, i have something planned muhahahaha!!! *evil face time* >:P Btw i just realized i make a lot of typos. Im sorry, I type really really fast. And i hate proofreading, i always have always will. Its way to boring, :\ ah well cant change this!!


I was on my way back to what i called home. When i saw Hagrid's cabin. I wondered if i should head there first. I decided against after standing outside in the windy night. It was cold, so Hagrid's cabin seemed perfect. Until I heard a rustle by his cabin. I stayed still not wanting to know what it was excactly. It was good that I was able to let my wand rest in my back pocket. Hermione always nagged me to keep it somwhere else, she said that if i sat down and it snapped she wouldnt repairo it. Something along those lines. I smiled just at the thought of Hermione, then smiled even wider when I thought as Ron. I sighed happily as I opened the door to Hogwarts.

Something, i couldnt put my tongue on it but something was wrong. Way wrong. I then let my mind wander towards the letters. Something happened, something bad. I walked up to the Gryffendor Common Room. I sighed happily as i came to the portrait then i narrowed my eyes. I didnt know the password. Not a clue on what it was, i was gone for almost a whole week. I tried the one password i remembered. From before Christmas.

"Pink Puffle Powder" I muttered silently. The Fat Lady Humphed and sighed before saying.

"Where on earth have you been? That password is long gone! There is a new one of course!"

"Where on earth have i been? I have been in America hoping my father wasnt going to die!" I said very harshly. I narrowed my gaze at her and sighed. "Im sorry, I have been very stressed lately. Ron, Harry, and Hermione, told me that things got bad while I was gone. Is it true, Fat Lady?"

"I'm in no postion to say, I obviously sit here all day!" I knew that was a lie, there was something very, very wrong. portraits could move between other's portraits. They were magic of course.

"Cant you just let me in? I am obviously tired and everything! It was a horrible week."

The Fat Lady sighed, "Im sorry but i follow strict rules from the new headmaster." My mouth hung open as her words processed. New headmaster? What happened to Dumbledore? I was silent for a long time. The fat lady just understood what she said and opened up. She knew she was in some trouble and wanted me out of her hair. Or paint? The Fat Lady whispered something just before she closed but i just wanted to go into the girls dorms and unpack. I missed my friends, that made me unpack at super sonic speeds. Just when I finished I was running down the steps when I bumped into Neville. Crap, please dont ask where I'm going!

"Hey Jules, I  hope your dad is alright." Neville was sweet, really nice, but he always forgot something. If it was his books, where he put his toad, to something like what our homework was in Potions. Snape is never happy with anyone but the Slytherins. I hate him, Harry hates him, Ron hates him, i'm pretty sure Hermione hates him. Draco doesnt. The thought of Draco made me sick. I hated him even more now. The time when we were dating was just horrid. Im glad it's over now.

"Hey Neville, yeah my dad is doing fine." My eyes wandered towards the portrait hole, I needed to get down to Hagrids.

"Ron told me that you were coming back today. It was the only thing he talked about. He also gave me a messege, bloody he seemed in a hurry. What did he tell me to say." I glanced at Neville long enough to know he was thinking really hard. Ron left him a messege and counted on him, I just hope he remebers soon. If not i will just have to leave, right? He would understand, im anxious to meet with him and Neville is keeping me. I didnt want to be rude though, wow Neville takes forever with this whole remeber stuff.

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