Chapter 10

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Chloe's POV

I wake up in my bed with a headache. Man I must of had too much to drink, I get drunk really easily and-oh god, I get really horny when I drink. I hope I didn't do anything stupid with Luke. I grab my phone to see I have a text from Luke.

Luke: Hi Chloe, I just wanted to let you know I left after last 

Oh no, what events? I don't even know what happened last night. I really shouldn't of had anything to drink in the first place. I decide to call Luke. He picked up on the first ring,

"Hey Luke, um about last night-"I started "Oh, it's fine don't worry about it, I just think we should wait."he says getting out his words first."Well, I actually don't remember anything from last night. I get drunk very easily and then when I'm drunk I get..." I decide not to finish. "What?" he says laughing. "Uh, I get very umm, horny." I say embarrassed. "Yah, I kinda noticed. But it was really hot."..."I mean umm, hehe just forget that." He said quietly. I just laughed. 

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment." I say "Yeah." is all he replies with. "But it sounds like it was fun. I would love to go out with you again?"I say in almost a question. "Yeah, are you doing anything tonight?"He asks"Um, actually I have plans with a friend." I say remembering Treena wanted to hear about my date. "Oh. ok, call me when your plans open up."He says "Definitely...Bye Luke." "Bye, Chloe." he hangs up.  

Treena is actually supposed to come over in an hour. But I don't have to get ready, it's just her.

(1 hour later)

"Ok, so give me all the deets???"Treena asks eagerly. "Well I don't really know what happened, I got drunk."I say quietly. "Oh no way!?"She yells excited "You got all over him didn't you???" she asks knowing how I get. 

"I don't know. But he did say he left after last nights events and I woke up in just a bra and underwear..."I say kinda connecting the dots. "You totally tried to sleep with him!"She yells. "Dang, I hope I didn't scare him." I say "Haha I really don't think a hot, horny, drunk girl would've scared him." she says making a point. "I'm surprised he didn't actually sleep with you." she says. "Yeah?" I say "He sounds like a real keeper if he respects you."Treena says making me smile. "He is." is all I say. "OH, you soooo like him!"she yells getting excited again. "I mean just look at your face. You can't stop smiling. I have to meet this guy!" She yells again.

"You can meet him whenever." I say making her face light up. "Right now."she says. "Oh, well I don't think right now is a good-" I argue but she's already got her jacket on and is slipping on her shoes. "Treena, he's probably busy."I argue again. "Oh, come on."she says dragging me out the door.

(at Luke's house)

Treena made me drive sense she doesn't know where he lives but now I feel like she's just gonna go to his house all the time. I start walking up to his apartment but Treena's already knocking on the front door. "Hello?" Luke answers the door. "Hi." I say walking up behind Treena. "Oh, you must be Chloe's friend." Treena doesn't say anything she just walks in inspecting the place. 

"Just ignore her." I say to Luke before following Treena. I walk in to see Treena glued to the couch and talking to Calum. I just smile totally thinking of how they would be a cute couple. 

Calum's POV

Chloe came over in the middle of us hanging out, again. But it's fine because she brought her super cute friend, Treena. "So you're in Luke's band?" she asks me "Yeah."She seems so amused. "I suck at anything that has to do with music. But I have a guitar."she says. "We'll maybe I could give you guitar lessons, sometime." I offer. "Really?I've always wanted to learn." I think I like this girl. 

Luke's POV

Calum seems to really like Chloe's friend he hasn't taken his eyes off her. But Treena converts her attention back to me when I sit down on the couch. "So Luke, what do you do for a living?"she asks seeming very serious. 

"Uh, well I'm in a band."I say. "How much money do you make?" she asks interrogating me more. "Treena!" Chloe butts in. "What?!"she yells back, " many past girlfriends have you had?" Treena continues to ask me. "Alright."Chloe gets up and takes Treena with her. "Sorry, we'll be going now. "Wait, Treena. Can I have your number?" Calum asks kinda shyly. "Sure."she blushes giving him her number. "Ok, lets go. You and I need to have a talk." she says taking Treena home.

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