Chapter 18

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Chloe's POV

Walking up to my dreaded alarm clock I go to take a shower. I haven't been going to work lately because I used my "slight concussion" as an excuse but it's been 3 weeks now and I have to go if I'm gonna afford electricity.

I get out after washing my hair and shaving and go get dressed. putting on my skirt and mandatory bar shirt, I grab my keys and head out the door.

Pulling in I see someone took my usual parking spot, "What the hell." I mumble parking over at another open spot. Then I walk in and start my normal routine.

"Hey, Chase."I say wiping off the counter, "Oh, hey Chloe. Good to have you back,"he smiles.

"Okay now that Chloe's here, I would like to announce our new worker." Our boss Jason, says to everyone.

"Meet Luke." my heart stops, please no, no, no, no. I look up only to meet eyes with his shocked expression. I walk past him to the bathroom feeling the urge to vomit. "Chloe, wait." Luke grabs my arm. "What are you even doing here!" I shout, "Chloe calm down, the people at my record label said that I should get a normal job."

"Does it have to be this job?" I say annoyed, "Chloe, I know you don't wanna see me-"

"No Luke, don't you get it? I want to spend time with you, I want to kiss you and for you to hold me but I just can't." I start to whisper. Walking away, I go back to cleaning the cups.

Luke's POV

I sigh, I can't believe she just said that to me I want her so badly. She doesn't understand that I would never hurt her, at least not on purpose. I can't believe she works here, I know she said she worked at a bar but I didn't think it was this one.

I walk over to Jason, "Hey so what do you want me to do?" I ask, "Oh, actually Chloe will teach you." he says as I internally sigh walking over to her. "Um, Chloe, you're supposed to teach me what to do."

"Oh, okay." she says looking at me, "So when I first get in I wash the dishes and counter and then mop before the bar opens up. And then you have to know how to make drinks, now the beers are under the table in the cooler here." she points, and starts going on about how to make a bunch of drinks as I stare at her intently. She's just so smart and beautiful- "Okay sound easy enough?" she asks, "Umm yah," I say not listening to a word she was saying.

"Oh and we open in 30 minutes but it doesn't get crowded until happy hour." she informs me, "Okay, um what do you do in the mean time?"

"Just hang out."she kinda trails off, "fun." I mumble. "What?" she asks, "Nothing." I say hoping she didn't hear me say that.


Chloe's POV

I rush around handing people their drinks trying to hear peoples orders over the loud music. Drunk people everywhere are making out and passed on the floor. This is the busiest time; Friday night. I sit down relaxing for a moment.

I hear a loud shatter of glass as I look over to see Luke panicking. Reaching down I help pick up the shards, "Ow." Luke says, "Oh god, " I say looking at the blood coming out of his hand, "hold on." I go get the first aid kit pulling out a gauze.

Wiping off his cut he winces, "well it's gonna hurt." I wrap the gauze around his hand and kiss it as he looks up at me. "Where's my drink!" some old drunk guy shouts from the counter. "Oh here." Luke gets up.

I watch as he starts putting things into the cup, giggling. The man takes a swig of his drink before spitting it out all over Luke's face, "What's this crap?!" he yells. 

Full on cracking up I grab a new cup and make the correct drink handing it to the man, "You should take some lessons from this young lady." the man says walking away.

"Hahahahaha, oh god." I laugh loudly as Luke wipes off his face. "Yah that's so funny." he says annoyed, "weren't you listening when I told you about how to make the drinks?" I ask.

"Yah...kinda." Luke says guiltily. "Well listen up."...   

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