A/N: Sorry about the previous chapter I know it was really sucky and it was just all over the place but I was really tired of working on it. Moral of the story, don't try rushing art. It always ends up badly. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this one U.U
Nine Years Ago
It was my first day at a new school. Mommy had said that it was going to be okay and that the people at this school were nice, not like the ones in my old school. Everyone there was really mean and made fun of you if you weren't one of the cool kids. After the principal talked to my mommy, she walked me to my new classroom. She told me that my class was already expecting me and had a welcoming gift for me.
"What kind of gift?" I asked, gently tugging on her hand.
"It's a very special gift. Trust me, you'll love it," she gave me a warm smile and opened the classroom door.
When all the other kids saw me, they gasped and started whispering excitedly while giving me smiles. I felt sick and wanted to leave but the principal gave me a small squeeze and said, "it's okay honey."
The teacher pulled down her glasses to take a better look at me and gave a bright smile. "Welcome! Katherine, is it?" I nodded my head shyly and covered the bottom half of my face with the sleeve of my sweater, a habit I knew I wouldn't stop.
"Okay class, remember what we prepared? Sebastian, can you please go get it?" A little boy who had messy brown hair and big dark chocolate eyes rushed to the desk that was in the middle of an alphabet rug and grabbed a card. He came back and handed it to me.
"H-Here you go, we made it a few d-days ago. Just for you, I hope you l-like it," he gave another big smile and sat down next to a girl with dark hair, who gave him a small nudge on the arm which made him blush slightly.
I looked at the card and it had a picture of a kitten that says, "Have a purr-fect day!" I giggled at it and opened it slowly, revealing many different hand writings on it saying nice things like, "Welcome to our skool!" and "yer kool even tho I don't now you!". These notes made me smile and I held the card tightly. "Okay honey, I need to go back to my office. If you need help you can ask your teacher, Mrs. Stevens."
The teacher stood up and said in a very cheerful tone, "Well, Katherine, I hope you enjoyed your gift but now it's time to get to work. Everyone please take your seats and I'll show Katherine where she'll be sitting." All the other kids rushed to their desks and I stood there watching.
The wall on the right was covered with drawings while the wall across from that one had a plain whiteboard that covered most of it. In one corner there was a calendar with three pockets that had bundles of straws tied together with small rubber bands.
The teacher clapped once and everyone else clapped twice after. "Now that I have your attention," she looked around the classroom and stared at an empty seat next to the same girl who nudged the boy. "You will be sitting here," she motioned for me to sit and I walked slowly, my head looking at my feet. I looked back at the little boy, he was frowning with his arms crossed in front of him.
Before I even sat down, the girl sitting next to my seat started talking. "Hi! My name is Kaylee, and that's my cousin, Sebastian" she pointed at the grumpy boy. "I think he likes you, which might be true because you're cute." That last part scared me. A girl has never told me that before. Except for my mom, but then again, moms are supposed to. "But I don't even know you two," I mumbled, my hand still covering my mouth. "What was that?" She said sweetly.
"I don't know either of you. How do you already like me?" I said a little too loud, I think Mrs. Stevens heard us because she then said, "Girls, what's going on?" Before I was able to tell her, Kaylee said, "She was asking me where the bathrooms are." Mrs. Stevens believed her because she then asked me if I had to use the bathroom. I simply shook my head and smiled, even though she couldn't see it.
Before we went to recess, we had to line up. Sebastian came running so that he stood in front of me, and Kaylee behind me. "Hi, I'm S-Sebastian," he smiled shyly and held out his hand.
"Sebass you're such a nerd!" A boy behind us called out. "Sh-Shut up, Travis! I'm j-just being n-nice!" The others started laughing. "You can't even speak r-right!" Another teased. Sebastian looked mad, I'm pretty sure he wanted to cry, so I took his hand and held it tightly, which made him give a small gasp.
"Ignore them, they're being jerks," I mumbled.
We started walking towards the playground, where more kids started pointing at us and whispering things until the three of us sat down on the bench.
Travis shouted to his friends, "Hey guys, look! It's Captain St-Stammer and the Lesbo!"
"I told you to stop calling me that!" She screamed so loudly that kids around the playground started circling around us. "What does that mean?" I mumbled to Sebastian. "It's a girl who likes other g-girls," he said back. He stood up slowly and walked up to him. "L-leave us alone! We didn't d-do anything t-to you!" One of his friends pushed him and I ran towards them, "Stop it!"
"Kat, don't hang out with these losers or else you'll become just as freaky as them!" They all laughed.
"Only my friends can call me that!" I shouted and scratched his face, leaving bloody marks across his left cheek. "IT BURNS!" He yelled, swinging his arm in front of him. His fist landed on Sebastian's face, causing him to fall back.
"Sebass!" Kaylee shouted and kicked Travis in that area. They boy rolled into a ball and cried. Sebastian was still on the floor cupping his hand on his chin, blood everywhere. I removed his hand and saw that his lip was split and just started getting swollen. "Here," I said softly, and wiped the blood off him with the sleeve of my sweater.
Everything after that was a blur, because all I remember was the principal getting all of us in trouble.
"What a way to become best friends, am I right?" Sebastian would always say. "Would" because I probably might not see him again.
A/N: Hello lovelies! I was debating on whether or not I should post this chapter or add more about what's going on today (by "today" I mean in the story "today"). But in my opinion, this is a cute chapter and I don't want to ruin it like the last one :) Please vote and comment I love reading your comments! *cough* Paola *cough*
Follow her too! MissTeenxger

Our Little Secret
JugendliteraturKatherine Vega had at normal teenage life, had a simple family of four, lived in a house of two stories, and attended your typical high school. But after a terrible accident, she loses everything. Even her family. After meeting her so called Aunt, s...