Chapter 2

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A/N: Haven't posted in a while due to lack of storage on my phone which only allows me to have one app.  And that one app is Instagram. Follow my fandom account so that I can post updates of my story :)

User: @ panic182
Okay, that's all. Enjoy!



It's been two months since the accident. I slept over at Kaylee's house for a couple nights after it happened. Then Sebastian's. After the first week of having sleepovers, Detective James found a relative of mine that I never met. 

"Her name is Veronica Lara," he had said to me while I was at his office. Me, being the easily distracted girl that I am, wasn't paying attention when he explained to me where he found her and how she's related to me. But that doesn't matter, soon I'll be old enough to live in my own apartment and not have to deal with any more crazy drug addicts. Or at least, crazy people who are no longer addicts.

"Katherine, honey, are you ready to go?" Veronica ran down stairs as she was tying her brown curly hair in a messy, lopsided pony tail. She was wearing the ugly green coat I hated so much, a blue Panic! At The Disco shirt (yes, she likes alternative rock bands), with red converse. Her taste in fashion is just as crazy as she is.

"Kat," she whistled and I snapped back to reality and nodded. I hardly talk to her, I'll usually just nod or shake my head. Nothing special. She doesn't need to hear my voice, it's reserved for the people I care about. Sebastian, Kaylee, Johnnie. I whimpered at the thought of my brother. Veronica doesn't need to hear my voice. She's not my family no matter how many times she's said it to me. She's just some old lonely lady who never bothered to even meet me before the accident. She thinks she's helping me by letting me live with her. Well she's wrong.


After meeting Veronica, Detective James thought it'd be a good idea for me to start attending therapy . This is my fourth session this month and so far my therapist hasn't accomplished any of his "targets", as he likes to call them.

Halfway there, Vero turned on the radio. One of my mom's favorite songs came on, the one she used to sing all the time while cleaning, cooking, gardening, or anything else she did. "Do you like this song?" I nodded and reached out to change the station to find a better song. "Woah, hold it. If you like this song, listen to it. Don't waste your time looking for a better one because soon this one will be over and you'll have nothing left. No good song nor a better one."

She's crazy alright. This is one of her "meanings of life that you can find in everyday things," kind of phrases that she's always coming up with.


"Hi, I have a 4:30 appointment with Dr. Holway," I said as I tapped the counter that separated me from the secretary, Marlene. She typed something and said, "Katherine, nice to see you again. You already know where his office is, right?" I nodded and walked to the elevator, smiling at her before the doors closed in front of me.

I opened the door to my therapist's office and frowned at the smell of  old men's cologne and wood. Just a few more sessions and I won't ever have to smell this again. "Hello, Kat. How are-" "It's Katherine. My name is Katherine. Only my family and friends can call me that, I've already told you." I took a seat on the couch across Dr. Holway's desk and crossed my arms over my chest, slowly leaning back. He started scribbling something on his notepad. If he wasn't my therapist I would've mistaken him for an Umpa Lumpa or something.

Dr. Holway wants me to call him by his first name, Henry, but I refused and when he asked me why I told him, "Because you're not my friend, I'm not yours, and I didn't choose to be here. James forced me to."

He pushed his glasses up slightly, eyes wide with amusement. He loves this, seeing me angry, he loves this almost as much as I hate this. "So, did you do what I asked you to do?" He raised an eyebrow and looked me up and down. "You mean talk to Vero? No, I haven't. There's no point in talking to a stranger."

"What makes her a stranger?" He gripped his pen tightly, getting ready to write some more. And I hate him for that, because I know that he's going to show these notes to Vero. Because I know that even though she's is trying her best to befriend me, it's not working.  And I will never see her as more than a stranger.

"Everything.  All I know about her is her name. She never came to see me as a child, I bet she didn't even know I existed. She's just a lonely woman who so desperately wants a child of her own, but she can't have one so she comes out of nowhere and thinks it's okay for her to do that," I started raising my voice. I had to stop in order to hold back the tears. But I don't stop. I can't stop. Not right now. This is the closest I'll get to talking about my feelings with anyone. Vero filed a restraining order against Sebastian and Kaylee until I start acting the way she wants me to.

"She can't expect me to love her if she couldn't make a simple trip to my house to say hi or anything! All these years and not once have I heard about her. Why? Because she didn't care!" A tear ran down my cheek and I wiped it quickly with the sleeve of my hoodie.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Have you ever thought that maybe she does care, and that's why when she heard what happened she immediately came to Detective James? Explaining that she's your mother's sister?" So she's my aunt. Great.

I shook my head. "I don't feel like talking anymore," I rested my head on my hand and looked out the window that was to my left.

"Very well, then," he mumbled and wrote a quick note before closing his notepad.


A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! I spent almost the whole afternoon writing :) I'll probably post more often since I'm on vacation and have more time to write :D Okay that's all!

~Toodles <3

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