Violent Father

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Muse was now five years old, polishing Fluorescent's fine china, trying to be as careful as she could. Who knows what would happen if she broke-


Muse's eyes widened as she noticed her tail had pushed a one-of-a-kind vase off its pedestal. She panicked as she heard hoofsteps coming toward her. She quickly found a dustpan and broom, sweeping up the shattered vase and putting it in the trash, putting back up the pedestal.

Fluorescent entered asking, "What was that noise?" Muse used sign language to lie and say it was nothing. Fluorescent glared and looked at the pedestal where his vase was missing. "Where is my vase?" Muse used more sign to say that he sent the vase off to be cleaned.

Fluorescent squinted his eyes then smiled. "Ah yes. I remember now." He walked around a bit to look at his china. "You do good work, Musical...", said Fluorescent as he looked at a different vase.

Fluorescent's smile went away as an angry expression went across his face and he threw the vase straight at Muse. The vase struck her head and she fell to the ground, shards of ceramic spread across the room. Muse had pain and shock spread across her face as blood dripped from a cut on her cheek. She tried to get up, but was kept to the ground by Fluorescent's hoof.

"Do you take me for a fucking fool?!", be said angrily as he pressed his hoof against her skull. Muse tried to scream, but only silence was heard. Fluorescent kicked her into shards if ceramic, causing cuts to go across her back and sharp pains to shoot through her body. She couldn't open her eyes as the pain kept them shut. Fluorescent walked over and broke a piece of ceramic into smaller pieces, lifting Muse up by her hair and saying, "I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget you little bitch."

Fluorescent forced Muse's mouth open and started to shove the smaller shard of ceramic down her throat, Muse choking on it and her own blood. Fluorescent punched her jaw and threw her to the ground. He then kicked her sternum, causing Muse to cough up the shard of ceramic and vomit blood across the floor.

Muse was trying to catch her breath as Fluorescent started to walk away. She hoped it was all over... Until he returned with a whip in his hoof. She started to panic and tries to stand, but the pain she already felt kept her down. Muse attempted to crawl away, but she felt the stinging pain of the whip strike her spine. "Did you really think you could get away from me?!", Fluorescent said as he struck her with the whip again.

Muse gritted her teeth, her breath shaky. She laid in her own vomited blood, Fluorescent approaching and lifting her up by her hair again. "Now, are you going to break another thing of mine?" Muse was in too much pain to do anything as Fluorescent hit her head against the ground. "ANSWER ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU!!" Muse slowly looked at him and nodded as blood poured from her nose, mouth, and cheek. Fluorescent grinned evilly as he dropped her, replying, "Good. Now, clean up this mess."

Fluorescent left Muse on the ground as she bled and cried nonstop. The brutality of Fluorescent was getting worse day by day. Muse was just lucky not to receive any fractures. After minutes of crying, Muse shakingly stood, blood stained the side of her body as she looked around the ground at the blood and shards of ceramic, looking for a mop and broom to start cleaning.

I can't take this anymore...

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