Traumatic Childhood

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Musical was given to Fluorescent's wife, Gem Scythe, to be taken care of for her formative years. She was taken care of like any normal baby. Soft food, easy lessons, and changed clothes. Despite Musical couldn't speak, she was still taught basic English and the 26 letters of the alphabet. Luckily for the small filly, Gem knew sign language and was slowly teaching Musical each sign, though she wasn't the greatest at paying attention. However, she is turning four today, Fluorescent is taking her back, and he is going to teach her to pay attention...

Musical was walking beside Gem. She stumbled on nothing here and there as she had just recently learned to walk. Musical made a giggling expression each time she tripped, and got herself back up to continue following Gem. They came upon the house Musical was first brought to, Gem knocking on the newly refurbished wooden doors.

Fluorescent answered the door and saw Gem and Musical. "Has it been four years already?", Fluorescent said, pretending to not know.

"It has, deary. Musical is ready for you to take her back.", Gem said.

"Perfect. How did she do with you?"

"She knows basic English and sign language, learning to walk, and she us very energetic. Though, she has a hard time paying attention."

Fluorescent grinned, "Well I'm sure I can take care of that." Gem nodded and kissed Fluorescent's cheek.

"Have fun, Musical.", Gem said as she gently pushed Musical next to Fluorescent's side. Musical just made another giggling expression as she stood next to him. The couple exchanged goodbyes and Fluorescent shut the door, looking at Musical. She was already hooping around like her energetic self. Fluorescent demanded her to stop, but she simply wouldn't.

She should have stopped.

Fluorescent stomped over to Musical, and the back of his left hoof struck her cheek, causing her to fall on the ground with a bright red cheek. Musical only had a pained expression as she held her cheek as she looked at Fluorescent who pulled Musical up by her hair so they were face to face.

"Listen here you fucking shit. You will listen to me and follow everything I say or else, got it!?", Fluorescent yelled. Musical nodded, frightened. Fluorescent punched her chest and dropped her to the ground. She gasped for air as she clenched her chest and Fluorescent kicked her on her back.

Musical has never felt this pain before. Her eyes were pouring of tears as her face and chest was in sheer pain. She wanted to scream for help, but she couldn't. All she could do was cry in pain. Fluorescent went back over to her and spit on her.

"I want you to clean this entire house by sundown. If I see a spot unclean, I will make you bleed.", Fluorescent said with a grin as he walked out of the house to keep an eye on the slaves who were reaping the harvest.

Musical continued to cry for almost half an hour. She could barely breathe and her tears were blinding her. She finally caught her breath and wiped her tears from her eyes. She weakingly got on her four hooves and found the tools needed to clean the house. A mop, broom, rags, and more. She started to clean the house appropriately, and she knew how thanks to Gem.

Musical thought to herself, I have to get out of here...

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