A Frightening Birth

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That's all that was heard in the small housing area in which all the slaves could sleep after the exhausting days of work. A tent was lit by a few lanterns, and many filthy ponies were surrounding the entrance. More screaming was heard, of a mare. It was obvious to everypony there that a mare was having her baby delivered. Well, almost everypony.

A light blue stallion with a very clean white mane and tail approached the tent, and he was not happy. The slaves around the entrance saw the stallion, and retreated from the entrance to let him through. The screaming had seized as soon as he entered.

"What is the meaning of all of this screaming in the middle of the fucking night?!", yelled the furious stallion. He looked over to the mare on the bed who was holding a bundled up blanket. The mare was crying, most likely from the pain... but her expression was not happy. She was crying if sadness as the baby wasn't crying. The stallion saw the small baby pony in the blanket, and became even more furious.

"This racket caused by a dead filly?!", he yelled again. The mare continues to cry, but a yellow stallion, the husband, approached the light blue stallion. By how filthy he was, he was definitely a slave.

"I don't want to hear it, Fluorescent! You may not care because she was born by slaves, but-", the yellow stallion started to yell hut was interrupted by the mare.

"H-Hun! Look!", the mare exclaimed as she showed the filly who was crying... silently. The filly was making a crying expression, but no noise came from her lips. The mare was only happy to see her baby alive. "Our baby is alive!"

Fluorescent grinned as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a Peacemaker revolver, aiming it at the yellow stallion's head. "I think you mean my baby.", Fluorescent said as he fired through the stallion's skull. Many gasps and screams were heard as the stallion fell to the ground, blood gushing from his wound.

"N-NO! You bastard! You killed my-", the mare started to scream until she was interrupted by Fluorescent as he slapped her hard. She gasped from the sudden strike, and the filly in her arms was taken from her bare hooves.

"I'll take her.", Fluorescent said.

"Over my dead hooves!"

Fluorescent aimed his Peacemaker toward the mare's head and grinned, "That's the point, deary."


More gasps and screams were heard as the mare layed on the bed, blood pouring onto her pillow, her bed, and down the bed, mixing with the dead stallion's blood. Fluorescent walked out holding the filly, glaring at the slaves. "Get back in your fucking hosues before I start shooting at every one of you, starting with the kids!", Fluorescent threatened. The slaves didn't say a word. They just walked into their perosnal tents, leaving Fluorescent be.

Fluorescent sheathed his Peacemaker and walked toward his house. He looked to the filly in his arms and he pushed back the blanket enough to which he could see her coat and mane. Her coat being dark gray and her mane a bright green and blue. Fluorescent grinned at the filly.

"I suppose I should name you. How about... Musical Scythe. Ironic, isn't it? You can't speak yet your name is Musical, and you aren't blood kin to us, the Scythe family.", Fluorescent said as he brought Musical inside his home and locked the door behind him.

Musical couldn't understand what happened, how could she? She is simply too young. All she heard were loud noises that frightened her. This may have been yet a terrible birth, but this was just the beginning of Musical's journey.

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