Chapter Two- Oh no.

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Vanellope's POV

*first day of school*

As I walked into the school grounds, my best friend Kaitlyn was waiting there. " Hey Van!!" She shouted and pull me into a hug. " Hey.." I said and pushed her off. Kaitlyn and I were childhood best friends, but we're the complete opposites.

"Let's go get our seats!" She took my hand and dragged me into the building. We took our seats infront of the classroom- what we did every year.

Slowly, the classroom got filled up with different types of students such as jocks, queen bees, nerds, etc. Kaitlyn and I were classified as 'Queen Bees' but our attitudes aren't snobby or stuck up.

People came over to talk or to say hi, while I just sat there looking at them until the bell rang. Cold, I know.

Our teacher, Miss Miyuki walked into the classroom holding a jar with paper. Oh no. I thought.

" Good morning class! I hope you had a good holiday." She said and placed the jar right infront of her desk. "Today, we are doing something diff-"

Before she could finished her sentence, the one and only 'Head Jock' came in. I heard girls swoon and adjusted their looks as he came in. " Oh my llamas he's in our class." Kaitlyn whispered and I simply nodded.

It's him.

Edwin Chia.

I shuddered at the name and Miss Miyuki made him sest next to my desk.

" Anyways, class, we'll be changing seats using this." She held up the glass jar. Some whooped, some groaned and some giggled. Yes, giggled.

We lined up and waited for the first few people in the line, picking up their piece of paper. A few minutes later, it was my turn.

I could feel stares boring holes into my back as I took the paper at the top of the jar, and pulled it out.

I went out of line, went to take my bag, and stood at the wall. I slowly opened the paper and saw some grey ink written in it.

Your Partner is:

Edwin Chia.

I need a nap right now.

Hello! Hope you liked this chapter! I'm so sorry forna crappy chapter, the next chapters will be more intresting!

Tell me how I can improve!


-Hanna x

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