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I quickly jammed my finger into the button that released the door. It slowly slid open. The Window Killer walked in first, carrying himself with that same half-offensive, half-defensive position that he used earlier. I stalked close behind. It seemed as if the automatic sound of the sliding door peaked the man's attention, because somehow his grotesque grin began to grow. The Window Killer stopped approximately fifteen feet from him.

"Who are you?!" The Window Killer shouted strongly, as though he weren't the slightest bit afraid.

The man eerily cocked his head. "I don't need eyes to see you." His voice seemed to have originated from the Devil himself.

The Window Killer held his ground, careful not to make any sudden, unnecessary movements. "Excuse me?"

The man took a very unsteady step forward. I shined the flashlight directly at him. It seemed as if he were walking on a broken leg. "I don't need eyes to see you."

The Window Killer stood firmly as the man limped forward another step. His smirk never left his hellish face, which looked as if someone had punctured needles through his cheeks and stitched the corners of his mouth to the blood soaked bags under his eye sockets.

"I don't need eyes to see you."

"W-w-Window Killer?" I said apprehensively. "What are we going to do?" I wanted to clutch his arm with all of my strength and never release, but I knew that I would only get in the way.

"Whatever you do, just keep shining the light on him. I don't have the luxury of seeing in darkness." He exhaled. "But stay safe. That is of utmost priority. You aren't a Field anymore once you're dead."

That was news to me. I guess that fact just never crossed my mind, but it made absolute sense. If I didn't have to be alive to be a Field, they wouldn't have gone to such lengths to protect me. If they didn't need me alive, I probably still would have been in Slab City.

Before I could reassure The Window Killer, the man stepped forward once more. "I don't need eyes to see you." His twisted simper seemed to grow even wider. "I don't need eyes to kill you."

Out of nowhere, he lunged at us and began the battle. The Window Killer shoved me into a row of seats.

"Stay there!" He yelled.

He quickly ran back at him and swung his acuminous blade, hardly missing from what I could tell. The man jumped backwards and dodged, but despite his injured leg, he darted towards him again.

It was a miracle that the man didn't come running after me, because I clearly the weaker of the two. It seemed as though his plan was to eliminate us, one by one.

I focused on shining the white light at him, but I really didn't want to look at his face. The blood from the mutilated abysses of his eye sockets continued to flow, like dark waterfalls down his contorted cheeks. The sanguine fluid eventually found route to his sharp mouth, but he merely licked the streams of red away as if they were sugar.

He had no weapon either. But that didn't seem to put The Window Killer at even the slightest advantage. The man was ungodly fast. And it didn't seem to matter what The Window Killer did, if he miraculously managed to touch his fearsome blade to the man's flesh, he didn't even flinch. After all, the man came into the fight with a supposed double disadvantage, but after a while, it appeared that The Window Killer had met his match.

The man continued to perform offensive attacks, which didn't allow The Window Killer to have time to reiterate and strike back. Although he was a spirit, he could still sustain damage if hit, which is what happened at the gas station when the attendant accidentally stepped on his hand. I later found out that the grey candles allow the spirits to manifest into a poltergeist, like the leeches. Although they are not seen, the spirit and whatever they choose to bring with them from Sheol can definitely be known.

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