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Ah.... tests. Something that every middle schooler loathes.

Tests are like a common enemy for all students, but we have to defeat them before we move on to the next grade. Or in some cases the next test

I swear teachers sit in the teachers lounge and just plan out the test days:

Teacher 1: Whens you're next test, lets coordinate.

Teacher 2 : Is Thursday good for you?

Teacher 1: No lets do Monday, so they have to stay in and study all weekend.

Teacher 2: Yea and get this I'll make it 50% of their final grade

Both: *evil laugh*

Like I don't doubt that those conversations go on when students aren't around, but I'm getting ahead of myself this chapter is suppose to be about studying.

Some good study tips I learned over the years including:


Although this studying tip may not apply to all, I find it very helpful to study in a quiet place. Some studies actually show that if you listen to music it may help with the memory, but personally if I listened to music while trying to study I'd be focused on the lyrics and trying to be Beyonce and not learning anything beneficial.


This tip also depends on the person, but I actually tested this and I fond this worked. If you chew gum while studying then chew the same type of gum while taking the test, it helps you remember what you learned while studying better. This is affect weather of not your school allows gum, or if you have braces. I have braces, but I chew gum anyways. If you want to follow the orthodontist's rules, then sucking on a flavored lollipop may also do the trick. Though I haven't tested this way already.


This studying tip, I believe everyone knows because everyone pretty much does it. Repetition. Repeating something over and over again, means that you're more likely to remember it. For example using flash cards, which I find most effective, repeating an equation, formula or phrase. AKA the saying practice makes perfect (and for you dancers out there, muscle memory).


Okay, so we all know we do this. On Monday morning the teacher anno0unces you have a big unit test coming up Friday. Monday night, you say you'll do it tomorrow cause you have to much homework. Tuesday night you have soccer practice. Wednesday you have a family party. Thursday night you binge watch Netflix and then its Friday morning on the bus trying to remember what the quadratic equation is. The key to good studying is not to procrastinate. Trust me I know it isn't fun to study, but it also isn't fun to be living in your parents basement because you kept failing every test and didn't get into college or something like that. Do yourself a favor and just don't procrastinate.

I hope you liked the new chapter! There was a snowstorm, so sense I was stuck inside I thought I might as well write a new chapter for the Survival Guide!

Have any questions, comments, concerns? Feel free to contact me!


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